
The technical committee Laser Melting of the DMRC met in Hanau, hosted by the Heraeus Company.

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As every year, the DMRC presented their research at the Solid Freeform Symposium in Austin / USA and attends this important symposium for the AM community. This Symposium has proven once more, to have high value for the AM community, as nearly all research and industrial partners working in AM are present and share their work and researches with a global auditorium.

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This year, the first Technical Committee meeting of the Polymer Laser Sintering Group took place at Protiq in Blomberg. A focus was given to the ongoing project and the planning for the DMRC funding cycle 2020.

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The event also featured success stories from regional SMEs and a spin-off from the University of Paderborn. It's OWL presented the transfer voucher for the promotion of regional companies.

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The Voith Group is a global technology company. With its broad portfolio of systems, products, services and digital applications, Voith sets standards in the markets of energy, oil & gas, paper, raw materials and transport & automotive. Founded in 1867, the company today has more than 19,000 employees, sales of € 4.2 billion and locations in over 60 countries worldwide and is thus one of the large family-owned companies in Europe. More…

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Nach 22 Monaten Bauphase war das neue Leichtbau-Forschungsgebäude bezugsfertig und die Fachgruppen des Instituts für Leichtbau mit Hybridsystemen sind eingezogen, um hier auf insgesamt 3.300 qm Forschungs- und Bürofläche die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit von Maschinenbaus und Naturwissenschaften zu intensivieren. Die großzügige Technikumsfläche und moderne Labore bieten Raum zur Unterbringung neuer Maschinen. Für die vertrauensvolle Arbeit im…

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Under the patronage of the DGM and the scientific direction of Prof. Niendorf, Prof. Scharper, Dr.-Ing. Hoyer and Dr.-Ing. Lindemann, the DGM Seminar "AM for Advanced Professionals" was successfully conducted for the first time. The seminar was attended by 27 participants and took place at the DMRC.

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On 26.04.2019 the doctoral examinations of Matthias Fischer and Stefan Josupeit two former colleagues of the DMRC took place. The DMRC congratulate them on passing their doctoral exams

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M. Sc. Jan-Peter Brüggemann successfully passed his doctoral examination with his dissertation on “Optimization strategies for structural components using additive manufacturing processes” on April 10, 2019.

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Prof. Dr. T. Tröster, Dennis Menge, Cristian Hoppe, Kai-Uwe Garthe, Christoph Dammermann (Foto: MWIDE NRW/Vanessa Leißring)

Leichtbau ist bereits seit einigen Jahren ein zentrales Thema auf der Hannover Messe. 2019 fand das Thema durch den 1. Lightweighting Summit, der von Bundeswirtschaftsminister Peter Altmaier eröffnet wurde, besondere Beachtung.

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Together with the Particle Technology Group (PVT) and Students of the University, the Polymer Laser Sinter Team of the DMRC participated in this year's PARTEC 2019.

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Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Jahnke successfully passed his doctoral examination with his dissertation on “Systematics for Preventive Protection against Product Piracy by Additive Manufacturing Methods” on March 19, 2019.

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On the 20th & 21st of February the DMRC again hosted a Technical-Meeting and Board-Meeting for all partners at Paderborn University. Besides the presentation of current and future research endeavors, decisions on DMRC strategy were made.

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LHyBS Poster Board

ILH und TecUP veranstalten den Innovationstag „Leichtbau für die Mobilität der Zukunft“ in der garage33.

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Lena Risse was recently awarded the "Junior Prize" of the German Association for Materials Research and Testing (DVM) in Berlin during the third conference "Additive manufactured components and structures".

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Prof. Dr. Thomas Tröster

Profilbereich Nachhaltige Werkstoffe, Prozesse und Produkte

Vorsitzender des Instituts für Leichtbau mit Hybridsystemen (ILH)

E-Mail schreiben +49 5251 60-5331
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Schmid

Profilbereich Nachhaltige Werkstoffe, Prozesse und Produkte

Vorsitzender des Paderborner Instituts für Additive Forschung (PIAF)

E-Mail schreiben +49 5251 60-2404

Allgemeine Informationen zu den beteiligten Fachdisziplinen finden Sie auf den entsprechenden Webseiten:

Maschinenbau     Chemie

Physik     Elektrotechnik

Teil eines Netzwerkes zu sein bietet viele Vorteile und eröffnet neue Perspektiven. Technologietransfer und Industriekooperationen haben an der Universität Paderborn einen hohen Stellenwert. Im ILH und im PIAF bestehen langjährige Kontakte zu Unternehmen verschiedener Größen, regional und überregional.

ILH Partner aus Forschung und Industrie

Industriepartner des DMRC

Kooperationspartner des KET