Pa­der­born Rug­by Team wins Lem­go 10s Rug­by Tour­na­ment

Saturday 9th July 2016 Paderborn Universität rugby course entered RFC Paderborn Lemgo 10s Rugby Tournament. The day started off well with execallant weather tempatures reaching 25 degrees. This was the first time since coach Zak Bredin had taken over the course that Paderborn Universität entered their very own 10s team. 

The first game was an eye opener as Paderborn Universität had to play Bielefeld Rugby Club. Unfortannly Paderborn Universität lost this first game due to Bielefeld having a very strong and experienced team. There was some very good play from Senior player Joey Wichtrup who gave Bielefeld rugby club many problems on the feild. 

The 2nd Game was more succeasful with Paderborn Universität playing a fairly new team to the NRW region, Rheine Warriors Rugby Club. Rheine Warriors started well by putting Paderborn Universität under lots pressure in attack and defense. However this work in Paderborn Universität favour. The Players from Paderborn Universität started to "switch on" and Play some fantastic adventuress rugby which led to many trys being scored. One player which stood our in this game was Rurami Presley Chirombe. 

The 3rd Game was agains't a team which is very well known to Paderborn Universität, TV lemgo (Lippe Lions). TV lemgo have been around for more then 20 years. Their players are hugely experienced in the game and very strong individuals. However being strong doesn't mean your quick, As always in rugby you play to your Postive points and Their negative points. Paderborn Universität did excatly that! Knowing that going into "contact" would result in turn over ball, Paderborn Universität played a very quick open game plan avoiding contact at all costs. This lead to Paderborn Universität winning this game and progressing to the Final. The player which stood out in this game was Ryan Fender.


The final,

Words can not describe how close this game was. The oppersition Bielefeld Rugby Club. Paderborn Universität went into this game with an open mind. Having lost to the Bielefeld Rugby club in the group stages, Paderborn Universität were under no Illusion that this was going to be a hard game. The game was a surpislying fair, with only one try in it through out. Paderborn Universität played some amazing  rugby and sticking to the game plan! The game was like a yoyo, Backwards and forwards, Once Paderborn Universität scored Bielefeld would then score. However final minutes of the game, New fly half Marc Rees put a lovely kicked down feild and in to "touch" 5 Meters away from Bielefeld try line. It was a Bielefeld line out/throw in. Nils Ehlmann from Paderborn Universität  had stolen the line out with a good slap of the ball down to Coach Zak Bredin who was playing at this time. Zak Bredin was then able to break the Bielefeld defensive line and score the winning try. All Paderborn Universität had to do was now to defend their try area from a very aggressive, strong and determind Bielefeld attack. However a slight laps in Bielefeld play which led to a penality kick to Paderborn Universität and End of game. 

Paderborn Universität had won the final and come 1st in the compitition. Coach Zak Bredin would like to thank every player who came and repersented Paderborn Universität. 

Paderborn Universität is always looking for new talent, Experienced or not, rugby is a sport for every one.