Dr Boris Wembe Moafo
Mitglied - Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Forschung und Lehre im Bereich der optimalen Kontrolle
- E-Mail:
- boris.edgar.wembe.moafo@uni-paderborn.de
- wboris@math.upb.de
- Telefon:
- +49 5251 60-2710
- Büroanschrift:
Technologiepark 21
33100 Paderborn - Raum:
- TP21.1.15
Aktuelle Publikationen
Multiphoton, multimode state classification for nonlinear optical circuits
D. Kopylov, C. Offen, L. Ares, B.E. Wembe Moafo, S. Ober-Blöbaum, T. Meier, P. Sharapova, J. Sperling, (n.d.).
Accessibility properties of abnormal geodesics in optimal control illustrated by two case studies
B. Bonnard, J. Rouot, B.E. Wembe Moafo, Mathematical Control and Related Fields 0 (2022) 0–0.
Abnormal geodesics in 2D-Zermelo navigation problems in the case of revolution and the fan shape of the small time balls
B. Bonnard, O. Cots, J. Gergaud, B.E. Wembe Moafo, Systems & Control Letters 161 (2022).
Homotopic approach for turnpike and singularly perturbed optimal control problems
O. Cots, J. Gergaud, B.E. Wembe Moafo, ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys 71 (2021) 43–53.
Geometric and Numerical Methods in Optimal Control and Zermelo Problems on Revolution Surfaces - Applications
B.E. Wembe Moafo, Geometric and Numerical Methods in Optimal Control and Zermelo Problems on Revolution Surfaces - Applications, n.d.
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Laufende Lehrveranstaltungen
- Numerik 1 (Übung)