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Aktuelle Publikationen

Attachment representation and emotion recognition ability in children with ADHD and their parents: A Study Protocol

R. Kissgen, S. Franke, M. Krischer, M. Susewind, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (2021).

Zur inklusiven Betreuung von Kindern mit (drohender) Behinderung in Kindertageseinrichtungen in Bayern und im Rheinland. Ein Studienvergleich

R. Kißgen, C. Wirts, D. Limburg, M. Wertfein, S. Franke, J. Wölfl, J. Austermühle, Frühförderung interdisziplinär 40 (2021) 64–77.

Attachment Representation and Emotion Recognition Ability in Children with ADHD and Their Parents: A Study Protocol

R. Kissgen, S. Franke, M. Susewind, M. Krischer, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (2021).

Infant-Father Attachment in Infants Born Preterm. A Brief Report

R. Kissgen, S. Franke, N. Jorjadze, B. Roth, A. Kribs, International Journal of Developmental Science 15 (2021) 1–6.

Effects of long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy on life quality in mentally disturbed children

M. Krischer, B. Smolka, B. Voigt, G. Lehmkuhl, H. Flechtner, S. Franke, M. Hellmich, S. Trautmann-Voigt, Psychotherapy Research 30 (2019) 1039–1047.

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