Steffen Tinkloh


Team Simulation
Mersinweg 7
33100 Paderborn


Aktuelle Publikationen

The environmental impact on the strain rate dependent energy absorption capability of a hybrid crash absorber element

S. Haller, S.R. Tinkloh, T. Tröster, R. Brandt, in: 5th International Conference Hybrid 2022 Material & Structures, 2022.

Experimental Analysis of Residual Stresses in CFRPs through Hole-Drilling Method: The Role of Stacking Sequence, Thickness, and Defects

T. Wu, R. Kruse, S.R. Tinkloh, T. Tröster, W. Zinn, C. Lauhoff, T. Niendorf, Journal of Composites Science 6 (2022).

Characterization of residual stresses in fiber metal laminate interfaces - A combined approach applying hole-drilling method and energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction

T. Wu, S. Degener, S.R. Tinkloh, A. Liehr, W. Zinn, J.P. Nobre, T. Tröster, T. Niendorf, Composite Structures (2022).

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