Dr. Roland Schoch
Akademischer Rat
- E-Mail:
- roland.schoch@uni-paderborn.de
- Telefon:
- +49 5251 60-5775
- +49 5251/60-1625
- 0000-0003-2061-7289
- Web:
- Homepage
- Büroanschrift:
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn - Raum:
- NW2.816
- E-Mail:
- sc-xrd@chemie.uni-paderborn.de
- Telefon:
- +49 5251 60-5775
- +49 5251/60-1625
- 0000-0003-2061-7289
- Web:
- Homepage
- Büroanschrift:
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn - Raum:
- K3.07
Aktuelle Publikationen
Low Temperature Emissive Cyclometalated Cobalt(III) Complexes
A. Krishna, L. Fritsch, J. Steube, M.A. Argüello Cordero, R. Schoch, A. Neuba, S. Lochbrunner, M. Bauer, Inorganic Chemistry (2025).
A Comparative Kinetic and Computational Investigation of the Carbon‐Sulfur Cross Coupling of Potassium Thioacetate and 2‐Bromo Thiophene Using Palladium/Bisphosphine Complexes
S. Peschtrich, R. Schoch, D. Kuckling, J. Paradies, European Journal of Organic Chemistry 27 (2024).
Synthesis of Ferrocenyl Boranes and their Application as Lewis Acids in Epoxide Rearrangements
L. Köring, B. Birenheide, F. Krämer, J.O. Wenzel, R. Schoch, M. Brehm, F. Breher, J. Paradies, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2024).
New and Facile Preparation Method for Highly Active Iron Oxide Catalysts for CO Oxidation
S. Schlicher, R. Schoch, N. Prinz, M. Zobel, M. Bauer, Catalysts 14 (2024).
Insights into the First Multi-Transition-Metal Containing Ruddlesden Popper-Type Cathode for all-solid-state Fluoride Ion Batteries
V. Vanita, A.I. Waidha, S. Vasala, P. Puphal, R. Schoch, P. Glatzel, M. Bauer, O. Clemens, Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2024).
Alle Publikationen anzeigen
Laufende Lehrveranstaltungen
- Strukturaufklärung
- Röntgenkristallographie & -spektroskopie
- Praktikum Qualitative Analyt. Chemie
- Materialchemie der Elemente
- Heterogene Katalyse