Dr. Jörg Holtmann
Aktuelle Publikationen
Early timing analysis based on scenario requirements and platform models
J. Holtmann, J. Deantoni, M. Fockel, Software and Systems Modeling (2022).
Cutting through the Jungle: Disambiguating Model-based Traceability Terminology (Extended Abstract)
J. Holtmann, J.-P. Steghöfer, M. Rath, D. Schmelter, in: A. Koziolek, I. Schaefer, C. Seidl (Eds.), Software Engineering 2021, 2021, pp. 59–60.
Application-Aware Intrusion Detection: A Systematic Literature Review, Implications for Automotive Systems, and Applicability of AutoML
D. Schubert, H. Eikerling, J. Holtmann, Frontiers in Computer Science 3 (2021).
Cutting through the Jungle: Disambiguating Model-based Traceability Terminology
J. Holtmann, J.-P. Steghofer, M. Rath, D. Schmelter, in: 2020 IEEE 28th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), IEEE, 2020.
Scenario-based Specification of Security Protocols and Transformation to Security Model Checkers
T. Koch, S. Dziwok, J. Holtmann, E. Bodden, in: ACM/IEEE 23rd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS ’20), ACM, 2020.
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