Vor­trag von Prof. John Cook (Me­tro­po­li­tan Uni­ver­si­ty Lon­don) am 12. Ju­ni: "So­ci­al Net­work(ing) and Mo­bi­le Lear­ning in Work­place Prac­ti­ce"

Am 12. Juni 2012 hält Prof. John Cook, Metropolitan University London, einen Vortrag zum Thema "Social Network(ing) and Mobile Learning in Workplace Practice". Der Vortag gehört zum aktuell laufenden Informatikkolloquium in diesem Semester und findet statt um 18 Uhr im Raum O 0.207.

Social media and mobile devices are under-researched in work-based learning. My recent work provides an initial typology of informal workplace learning (Cook & Pachler, 2012) in order to provide a frame for understanding. The research is particularly interested in contributing towards a deep understanding of social phenomena and experiences here. Consequently, the focus in this work is mainly on a conceptually coherent analytical approach and not so much on the findings themselves, which are intended to be indicative only. This talk will provide an overview of the above typology and illustrate it using a case study of people tagging taken from the EC funded MATURE project.