947 projects were found

The Sermons at the Council of Constance

The sermons at the Council of Constance (1414-1418) promise to provide valuable new insights into this church assembly if - as has not yet been done - they are examined in the sense of a cultural history of the political. It is therefore not only a matter of concrete arguments and scholarly traditions in the sense of previous research into the ...

Duration: 07/2020 - 12/2023

Fuzzy19 - Fuzzy-stochastische Methoden für die polymorphe Unschärfemodellierung von Leichtbaustrukturen

Das übergeordnete Ziel des Forschungsprojekts ist die in der ersten Förderperiode entwickelten polymorphen Unschärfemodelle in den Lebenszyklus hybrider Leichtbaustrukturen zu übertragen. Insbesondere wird die Herstellung sowie die Nutzung von faserverstärkten Kunststoffen (FVK) in Hybridsystemen untersucht. Während des Herstellungsprozesses ist ...

Duration: 07/2020 - 06/2024

Funded by: DFG

Hier20 - Zielorientierte Adaptivität für nichtlineare Homogenisierungen mittels hierarchischer Modelle

Die Entwicklung und Herstellung innovativer Produkte unter Verwendung neuartiger Materialien erfordert fundierte Kenntnisse der Simulationsmethoden für eine sichere Auslegung von Bauteilen und Maschinen. Die zunehmende Verwendung heterogener Materialien wie Verbundwerkstoffe in der industriellen Praxis hat die Finite-Elemente-Simulation in ...

Duration: 07/2020 - 06/2024

Funded by: DFG

Internationaler Workshop für Dynamik, Optimierung und numerische Berechnung

Die Konferenz fand (Corona-bedingt verschoben) vom 26. bis 30.09.2022 statt.

Duration: 06/2020 - 10/2020

Funded by: DFG

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IDA: Intelligent Data Science Chatbot

Duration: 06/2020 - 07/2021

Funded by: BMBF, Software Campus

Benefits & Operations of MBSE: Recommendations for overcoming barriers and leveraging MBSE benefits

The growing complexity and interdisciplinarity in the development of systems increases the need for companies to bring Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) into use. In MBSE, requirements, the behavior and the structure of the system under consideration are defined, analyzed and maintained in a model-based manner. The potential of MBSE has so far ...

Duration: 06/2020 - 12/2020

Funded by: Industrie

GuTe DigiSchulen NRW

Duration: 06/2020 - 10/2022

Funded by: MSB NRW

Digitales Potenzial

Datenerhebung: Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach

Duration: 06/2020 - 10/2020

Funded by: Vodafone Stiftung Deutschland

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Scale4Edge: Scalable infrastructure for edge computing

Scale4Edge is a joint project funded by the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research), which aims to significantly reduce the currently relatively long development times and high development costs of application-specific edge components (platform concept). The approach pursued in the project is based on providing a commercial ecosystem for ...

Duration: 05/2020 - 12/2025

Funded by: BMBF

Contact: apl. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Müller

VRlinked - Collaboration in virtual space to increase creativity and innovation

In the VRlinked project, methods and tools are designed and developed on the basis of virtual reality technology, which support project teams operating in a distributed manner in creative and innovative collaboration in virtual space. To increase creativity and innovative strength, functions for stimulation, idea modeling and documentation are ...

Duration: 05/2020 - 10/2021

Funded by: EU, EFRE.NRW