Dr Monika Wal­ter, Deputy Chair­per­son

"I have been following the development of Paderborn University - especially in the field of computer science - with enthusiasm for many years. The topics of science and research are particularly important to me. Also in view of the fact that our society must continue to educate itself throughout life - in the professional and private fields.

Good education and innovative research will continue to gain in importance. In this context, UPB is an important source of impetus that has been successfully impacting the region and beyond for decades."

Wolfgang Wal­ter, Sec­ret­ary

"The university contributes to the quality of life in the city and region and creates an attractive environment for businesses. With its diverse offerings, it also enriches our city culturally. Helping to shape these projects on a small scale through targeted support is a meaningful and beautiful task.

We include people from business, society, politics and the university. Become an ambassador for the University as well - as a member of the Paderborn University Society".