Alumni.Stor­ies | Laura Aha, Bach­el­or Pop­u­lar Mu­sic and Me­dia

"The four years in Paderborn were the most formative of my life: I met my best friends who went to Berlin with me and I absorbed an incredible amount of professional expertise that I benefit from every day in my work."

Alumni.Stor­ies | Anna-Lena Ber­scheid, PhD at the NRW Forschung­skolleg in the field of so­ci­ology

"I like to give prospective doctoral candidates the tip of looking for career paths outside academia at an early stage."

Con­tact us

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Alexandra Dickhoff

Paderborn University

Referentin für Vernetzung/Alumni

Write email +49 5251 60-2074
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Nicola Weinert

International Relations Office

International Projects and Alumni Relations Coordinator

Write email +49 5251 60-5084