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News dossiers on our key top­ics

Quantum re­search

Research into the smallest particles of light has been one of the profile areas of Paderborn University for many years. Experts conduct top-level basic research in order to make concrete applications a reality. In this way, they decisively advance international quantum research. Press releases on the topic.

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Two AI roboters

Ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence

Artificial intelligence has long been a part of our lives. At Paderborn University, scientists from various disciplines are researching the fundamentals and effects of AI in order to make human-machine interaction usable and transparent for society.

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High Per­form­ance Com­put­ing

The "Noctua 2" supercomputer is the heart of Paderborn University's high-performance computing centre. Researchers throughout Germany use the computing capacities to conduct science at the highest level. Paderborn scientists use high-performance computing to set international standards in computer systems research.

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