Management Vice-president of operations Simone Probst
B2.313, 60-2557
B2.320, 60-2558
Sophia Mühlhausen
Department 1 Finance Dr. Simone Agethen
B2.216, 60-2540
Department 2 Research, funding and grants,
academic and international affairs
Dr. Anke Backer
B2.232, 60-2563
Department 3 General student and examination matters Silke Horstmann
C2.216, 60-2564
Department 4 Human resources Dr. Christian Winsel
B1.303, 60-2531
Department 5 Facility management, physical plant,
occupational and environmental safety
Dr. Martina Gerdes-Kühn
E5.314, 60-2525
Department 6 Quality management, study and structural planning Wiebke Lamprecht
B2.242, 60-2552