Strong Together: What Internationality Means to Us

In a world of global networks, we have the unprecedented opportunity to search for solutions for societal challenges together. Therefore, Paderborn University has been systematically advancing its internationalisation for many years. The proportion of international students at UPB is growing and outstanding cooperations have been established worldwide, encouraging a continuous development in research, transfer, studies and teaching. Not only do we want to diversify international cooperation and exchange in the future, but we also want to make it more inclusive and sustainable, as well as climate- and resource-friendly.


The European Research Council (ERC) offers our academics support in their groundbreaking and visionary research by funding them with its ERC grants. Internationally, the award of an ERC grant is considered to be the highest distinction for outstanding research within the European Union.

ERC Grant Laureates

EU Collaborative Projects

Collaborative projects with international partners create solutions for globally relevant problems. The EU funding programmes represent an essential component in the implementation of research projects at Paderborn University.


Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) support the mobility of researchers at all career levels. They promote academic exchange between different countries, types of organisations, and disciplines. The Research Department provides advice and support.

Research Department

Joint Proposals

So-called "Standing Open Procedures" (SOP) are implemented by the DFG in order to promote global cooperation at Paderborn University. Thus, our researchers can submit project proposals, which they intend to work on with colleagues and research institutions from abroad, without a deadline. The Research Department provides advice and support.

Research Department

Humboldt Research Fellowships

Numerous Humboldt fellows of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation conduct research at Paderborn University. By awarding the Humboldt Research Fellowship, the foundation sponsors excellent researchers of all nationalities and disciplines for the duration of their research project in Germany. The Research Department provides advice and support.

Research Department

Transnational Projects to Strengthen the European Research Area Networks (ERA-NETs)

Paderborn University researchers successfully take part in transnational ERA-NET projects. Regional and national funding organisations from different countries coordinate their research funding programmes and offer joint calls for proposals in the ERA-NET initiatives. The Research Department provides advice and support.

Research Department

DAAD Projects

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) funds numerous projects at Paderborn University. The Research Department provides advice and support during the application process.

Research Department
A globe lies on an open book. Two people are talking in the background.

Part­ner In­sti­tu­tions

Semesters abroad not only broaden and deepen subject-related competencies and language skills, they are also an unforgettable personal experience and can be significant for the professional future of our students. In order to foster such experiences, Paderborn University has entered partnerships with more than 200 universities worldwide.

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A map of Europe is pasted with coloured dots symbolising the member states of the "COLOURS" higher education alliance. The logo of the alliance is cropped at the edge of the picture.

COL­OURS Al­li­ance

Paderborn University and eight other European universities have joined forces to form the alliance "COLOURS" (COLlaborative innOvative sUstainable Regional univerSities). Together, they want to strengthen European values, increase their international visibility, and promote exchange and mobility within Europe through cooperation at all levels.

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The Campus OWL office in the middle of New York City.

Cam­pus OWL Li­ais­on Of­fice in New York

Through the joint network Campus OWL five higher education institutions in the Ostwestfalen-Lippe (OWL) region facilitate cooperation and develop collaborative project ideas. The liaison office in New York represents the university network in North America and promotes study and research opportunities with North American partners.

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The flag of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the flag of Germany and the flag of the European Union are hoisted in front of the main entrance to Paderborn University.

Li­ais­on Of­fice of the State Rect­ors' Con­fer­ence (LRK) to the EU

The universities of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) introduce themselves to European institutions and network through the LRK liaison office in Brussels. Members of Paderborn University thus benefit from a wide range of programmes that promote mobility and social commitment in Europe.

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15.2 %
international students
Date: May 2023
9.1 %
international employees in science, technology and administration
Date: January 2023
ERC Grants
Date: July 2023
DAAD projects
Date: June 2023
EU projects
Date: June 2023
international study programmes
Date: October 2022

International Office

The International Office does not only support international students at Paderborn University, but also coordinates studies abroad, organises exchanges with international universities, and fosters international cooperations.

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Welcome Services

The Welcome Services support international staff, doctoral and post-doc researchers, as well as their hosts with any questions regarding their stay in Paderborn.

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International Relations Office

The International Relations Office is the central coordination office for international affairs at the University. The Office is responsible for the strategic development and expansion of international relations and the organisation and implementation of central international projects.

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Jenny Aloni Center

The Jenny Aloni Center is the central organisation for doctoral students, postdocs, and junior professors at Paderborn University. It provides information, training, and qualification opportunities as well as advisory services.

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