Strong Together: What Internationality Means to Us
In a world of global networks, we have the unprecedented opportunity to search for solutions for societal challenges together. Therefore, Paderborn University has been systematically advancing its internationalisation for many years. The proportion of international students at UPB is growing and outstanding cooperations have been established worldwide, encouraging a continuous development in research, transfer, studies and teaching. Not only do we want to diversify international cooperation and exchange in the future, but we also want to make it more inclusive and sustainable, as well as climate- and resource-friendly.
15.2 %
international students
Date: May 2023
9.1 %
international employees in science, technology and administration
Date: January 2023
ERC Grants
Date: July 2023
DAAD projects
Date: June 2023
EU projects
Date: June 2023
international study programmes
Date: October 2022
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