1032 projects were found

Interdisciplinarity between Informatics, Economics and Culture. A History of the Heinz Nixdorf Institute

Heinz Nixdorf, one of the biggest names among German computer manufacturers, initiated the foundation of an institute between informatics, business and culture with its commitment to funding in February 1986. The institute was established on 23 July 1987 after both the Federal Republic of Germany and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia each pledged ...

Duration: 02/2025 - 08/2025

INNOVADE: INNOVAtive DEmocracy Through Digitalisation

INNOVADE is an EU research project that analyses the aspects and dynamics of digital democracy.

Duration: 01/2025 - 12/2027

Funded by: EU

Studies on Contemporary Francophone Cultures in the Benelux Region

Even though the European Francophonie is diverse and complex, it has so far been largely overlooked in academic research. This project aims to examine the interconnectivity between the Francophone cultures of the Benelux region, focusing on manifestations/movements of rapprochement with and distinction ‘La France hexagonale’.

Duration: 01/2025 - 12/2027

Funded by: WBI

A strong start to elementary school: basic skills in mathematics at the beginning of school and throughout year

In the StarS project, tasks and items for assessing basic skills in mathematics at the beginning of the first year and (for the purpose of learning development diagnostics) at the beginning of the second year are developed. In addition, professional development modules for data-supported lesson development in the context of basic skills in ...

Duration: 01/2025 - 06/2027

Funded by: IQB


Ziel des Projekts ist der Aufbau eines dynamischen Portals zur Erschließung des Nachlasses von Heiner Müller in Form einer digitalen genetisch-kritischen und kommentierte Edition nach internationalen Standards, die die prozessuale Dimension von Müllers Dramatik, Lyrik, Prosa und Essayistik unter Berücksichtigung sämtlicher Varianten sicht- und ...

Duration: 12/2024 - 12/2036

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Inclusive-Uni / Promoting Inclusive Campuses for Equity and Diversity

The ERASMUS+ project Inclusive-Uni - Promoting Inclusive Campuses for Equity and Diversity focuses on inclusion in higher education.Inclusive-Uni is a project in the field of higher education within the ERASMUS+ program, in which the Chair of Business Education II is an active partner.Duration: 24 monthsProject start: 01/09/2024End of project: ...

Duration: 12/2024 - 06/2027

Funded by: EU

Green Skills for Implementing Public Policy Programs

Eine wichtige Voraussetzung für die nachhaltige Transformation von Volkswirtschaften im internationalen Wettbewerb sind Fachkräfte mit „Green Skills“, einem Set aus Kompetenzen, welches Fachwissen mit Prozessverständnis und persönlichen Werten und Einstellungen verbindet. Während die wissenschaftliche Literatur die Wichtigkeit der ...

Duration: 12/2024 - 11/2026

Funded by: DKN

Rex-WiHo: Rechtsextremismus in Wissenschaft und an Hochschulen begegnen. Umgangsweisen in der Hochschulentwicklung und der Hochschulbildung in pädagogischen Studiengängen

An deutschen Hochschulen sind in den letzten Jahren rechtsextreme Tendenzen zu beobachten. Rechtsextreme Akteur*innen werden gezielt an Hochschulen aktiv und versuchen Wissenschaftlichkeit für sich zu beanspruchen. Vor diesem Hintergrund begegnet das Teilvorhaben: "Rechtsextreme Tendenzen an Hochschulen als Herausforderung für die ...

Duration: 12/2024 - 11/2027

Funded by: BMBF

ERC-Grant: Self-Optimizing Static Program Analysis

Software systems pervade our personal and professional lives, yet their insecurity threaten our society. To assure that software systems are dependable and secure, one must reason about their code. Static program analysis enables such reasoning. It can be applied to individual software components, and it can show not only the presence but also ...

Duration: 11/2024 - 10/2029

Funded by: EU

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SUSTAIN-EU/European Sustainability Expert - Driving green growth through new skills deployment

The ERASMUS+ project “Sustain EU - European Sustainability Expert - Driving green growth through new skills deployment” is an international vocational education and training project that focuses on employability and how to deal with changing work environments and career paths, while developing and evaluating support services for individuals based ...

Duration: 11/2024 - 10/2026

Funded by: EU