R & D Leg­al Ad­vising: Ad­vising in Re­search and De­vel­op­ment Mat­ters

Collaborations with partners from the private sector and other research institutions are essential to be able to utilise potential and conduct research in a networked, interdisciplinary and comprehensive manner. When planning and implementing such collaborations, various legal aspects must be taken into account.

The legal advisors in the Research Services Department are happy to assist and advise you on all legal matters arising in connection with research projects and other research collaborations. This especially applies to drafting the necessary partnership and cooperation agreements. For this purpose, we provide different sample agreements depending on the type of project. We also facilitate and conduct contract negotiations with various partners from industry and research.

Moreover, we also offer assistance and advice if you want to enter into a research collaboration. In addition, we review confidentiality agreements in connection with research projects and answer legal questions related to the internationalisation of the university (joint (binational) doctoral degrees, partnerships with international research institutions, etc.).

Just get in touch with us!