951 projects were found


Ziel des Projekts ist der Aufbau eines dynamischen Portals zur Erschließung des Nachlasses von Heiner Müller in Form einer digitalen genetisch-kritischen und kommentierte Edition nach internationalen Standards, die die prozessuale Dimension von Müllers Dramatik, Lyrik, Prosa und Essayistik unter Berücksichtigung sämtlicher Varianten sicht- und ...

Duration: 12/2024 - 12/2036

ERC-Grant: Self-Optimizing Static Program Analysis

Software systems pervade our personal and professional lives, yet their insecurity threaten our society. To assure that software systems are dependable and secure, one must reason about their code. Static program analysis enables such reasoning. It can be applied to individual software components, and it can show not only the presence but also ...

Duration: 11/2024 - 10/2029

Funded by: EU

CRC 901 - Reliable and automated code-based analysis of Open-Source Dependencies (Reaktor) (Transfer project T5)

Summary of the subproject T5This transfer project builds on top of research from the collaborative research center 901 “On-The-Fly Computing”. In this transfer project, we explore how techniques from the quality assurance of services in on-the-fly service markets can be applied to the pressing problem of securely managing open-source dependencies ...

Duration: 10/2024 - 09/2026

Funded by: DFG

The Return of Resentment? Stereotypes in the Media, Cultural Philosophy and Literature

The conference project at the Kulturstiftung Schloss Wiepersdorf aims to take a closer look at the connections and interrelationships between stereotyping and resentment, analysing both as figures of thought and in their visual and literary modelling. This raises questions about the media, political, historical and discursive conditions of the ...

Duration: 09/2024 - 09/2024

Funded by: MWFK

Skulptur – Materialität, Konzeption, Technik" - Kunstpädagogischer Workshoptag

Zeichnen, malen … und dann noch irgendwas aus dem Bereich SkulpturProzesse der Öffnung betreffen in der zeitgenössischen Kunst alle traditionellen Kunstgattungen und dennoch scheint im Bereich der Skulptur das Feld besonders unübersichtlich zu sein. Wo beginnen, welches Material eignet sich, was soll dargestellt werden und wie lassen sich neue ...

Duration: 09/2024 - 09/2024

Funded by: Landesverband NRW im BDK e.V. - Fachverband für Kunstpädagogik NRW

Interactive Digital Scores in the Music Theatre

Digital sheet music, "score viewer apps", are an underestimated innovation of the digital transformation in the working world of many musicians and small ensembles. An innovation that cannot, however, be easily transferred to larger concert, opera and theater houses around the world with their more complex workflows. We want to scientifically ...

Duration: 08/2024 - 01/2026

Funded by: BMBF

The AI-literate Researcher? Cross-Disciplinary Conceptualizations of AI Literacy in Research

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is ubiquitous and has been integrated into almost all areas of life. More than ever before, AI is becoming a new paradigm in research. For instance, in data analysis, AI can discover new patterns, predict phenomena, and propose novel solutions to complex problems. Moreover, Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT ...

Duration: 07/2024 - 09/2025

Contact: Stephan Drechsler, M.A., Prof. Dr. Christian Harteis

Site Specific Sculpture – Room creates Art

June 29 to July 14: Site Specific Sculpture – Room creates Art. Students of Paderborn University present site-specific sculptures in and in relation to Raum für Kunst.

Duration: 06/2024 - 07/2024

Funded by: Kulturamt der Stadt Paderborn

Cultural Conservatism, Intellectual Aristocracy, Resentment: Critical Perspectives on Literary Intellectual Discourses since 1918 and their Current Relevance

The interdisciplinary and international conference aims to take a closer look at the topicality and explosive nature of cultural and right-wing conservative intellectual discourses since 1918 in their historical genesis and their interconnectedness. In a diachronic and synchronic perspective, continuities, but also ambivalences and contradictions ...

Duration: 06/2024 - 06/2024

Funded by: Zeit-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius

OVP23 - Optimale Versuchsplanung und Modellbildung zur Parameteridentifikation für inhomogene Probleme

Die zuverlässige Prognose numerischer Simulationen erfordert außer der physikalisch begründeten mathematischen Modellbildung die Bestimmung der zugehörigen Modellkonstanten auf der Grundlage experimenteller Daten. Sowohl Versuchsdefizite als auch Modelldefizite haben jedoch Einfluss auf die Stabilität dieser Parameter. Grundlage des vorgelegten ...

Duration: 06/2024 - 05/2026

Funded by: DFG