Di­git­al Learn­ing Agree­ment (DLA) - On­line Learn­ing Agree­ment (OLA)

With the implementation of Erasmus Without Paper (EWP), Learning Agreements will also be created digital.
The creation of a digital Learning Agreement is intended for Erasmus+ students who participate in an Erasmus+ exchange exclusively within the framework of the exchange between Programme Countries. Students participating in the Erasmus+ Partner Countries Programme (International Credit Mobility / ICM) are currently still excluded from this. Students from our partner universities outside the Erasmus+ programme do not need an OLA either.

There are different ways to create a digital Learning Agreement. For example, it is possible to create a Digital Learning Agreement (DLA) via a mobility management software (MoveOn, Mobilty Online, SoleMove etc.). Another possibility is the creation of an Online Learning Agreement (OLA). The EU has developed the OLA platform for this purpose.

We - Paderborn University - have decided to have Digital Learning Agreements created via Mobility Online. However, important for you is: No matter whether you create a DLA or an OLA, all Erasmus+ universities are connected via the EWP network. This means that even if your home university claims to create an OLA or a DLA via another mobility management software, we will receive it as a DLA in Mobility Online and vice versa.

Important: Your home university decides how you create the Learning Agreement. If you are unsure, please contact your home university.


DLA - Di­git­al Learn­ing Agree­ment

A Learning Agreement is a mandatory document in the Erasmus+ programme and the submission of a completely signed Learning Agreement is a prerequisite for receiving the Erasmus+ grant. We do not set a deadline for our incoming exchange students. However, your home university usually has a deadline, so please enquire about this in a timely manner.

If you create a Digital Learning Agreement (DLA) via the mobility management software of your home university, you can enter the same contact person as indicated in the following information on the OLA - see step 3 "Receiving Institution".


OLA - On­line Learn­ing Agree­ment

General instructions

Do not use your smartphone to fill in the Online Learning Agreement. It is not possible to use Internet Explorer. Please choose another browser (Mozilla Firefox, Google, Google Chrome, etc.).

You can create and sign your OLA by using the OLA Portal. Please register and create a new OLA.

Step-by-step to your OLA

  • Complete your personal details.
  • Enter the academic year in which your exchange will take place (20XX/20XX).
  • Complete the details of your home university.
  • Make sure the email address of your contact person is correct!
  • In case of questions please contact the responsible coordinator(s) at your home university.

Please enter the data of Paderborn University.

  • Name of the „receiving institution“: Universität Paderborn / Erasmus+ Code: D PADERBO01
  • Faculty/Department: Enter the faculty/department in which you will be enrolled at Paderborn University and where you will be attending most of your courses.
  • „receiving responsible person“ is the person, who will sign your OLA at the faculty/department at Paderborn University:
    • Faculty of Arts and Humanities:
      • Anke Riebau / Email: anke.riebau@upb.de / Function: Faculty Coordination Incoming Students
    • Faculty of Business Administration and Economics:
    • Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics:
      • Computer Science: Prof. Dr. Patricia Arias Cabarcos / Email: pac@mail.upb.de / Function: Faculty Coordinator Incoming Students
      • Electrical Engineering: Dr.-Ing. Carsten Balewski / Email: carsten.balewski@upb.de / Function: Ref. SuL
      • Mathematics: Prof. Dr. Fabian Januszewski / Email: erasmus@math.uni-paderborn.de / Function: Faculty Coordinator Incoming Students
    • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering:
      • Dr.-Ing. Sascha Schiller / Email: ola@mb.upb.de / Function: Assistant of the Chairperson of the Audit Committee
    • Faculty of Science:
  • Entering a „receiving administrative contact person“ is not necessary.
  • Again please enter the academic year in which your exchange will take place (20XX/20XX).
  • Enter the planned start and end of the mobility period.
  •  „Table A: Study programme at the receiving institution“: Enter the courses you will attend at the host institution Paderborn University:
    • In case of questions regarding component codes and number of ECTS, please contact Ms Nicole Struzek.
    • Please make sure to follow the Erasmus minimum requirements for ECTS. If you have any questions, please contact the coordinator at your home university.
  • „Table B: Recognition at the sending institution“: Enter the courses that will be substituted at your home university for the successful completion of the courses listed in Table A.
    • In case of questions, please contact the coordinator at your home university.
  • Make sure to sign your OLA. Only after having signed it, the coordinator at your home university will be able to check and sign it. The signature field works best by using a touchscreen or touch pad, but you can also sign it using a regular computer and a mouse.
  • By clicking „Sign and send to the responsible person at the sending institution“, the OLA will be send to the responsible person at your home university. After it has been signed there, it will be automatically forwarded to the responsible colleague at Paderborn University.

What hap­pens after I have signed my OLA?

  • Once you have signed the OLA, your home university will automatically receive an email with a notification to check and sign it.
  • The „responsible person“ at Paderborn University will automatically receive a notification by email to sign it once your home university has signed it.
  • Once all responsible persons have signed the document, you will receive an email that you can download the finished document in your account as a PDF file.

What do I have to do if cor­rec­tions to the OLA are ne­ces­sary?

  • If your home or host university has any objections to the contents of the OLA, you will receive a corresponding email from the OLA Portal. Edit the OLA again by using the field "Edit".
  • The comments/change requests of the home or host university can be found in the last step "Commitment" below the signature field!
  • After revising the document, sign it again and send it to the "responsible person at the sending institution".
  • If Paderborn University has objections to the OLA, especially regarding the courses, please inform the „responsible person“ at your home university before you edit the Learning Agreement again. This is because only you will receive the information on the correction requests from the partner university via the OLA Portal. After you have discussed the necessary changes with the "responsible rerson" of your home university edit the OLA again.


In case of questions please do contact Ms Nicole Struzek.