Ger­man lan­guage courses for in­ter­na­tion­al stu­dents

Exchange students from partner universities and students of English taught master programs can choose between three German language courses for international students of the Paderborn University:


  • "Intensive courses for German": This course is offered approximately one month before the start of the semester and can be credited with 5 ECTS credit points in accordance with the study regulations.
  • "German for specific purposes": This course is aimed at international students, PhD students, researchers at Paderborn University and exchange students from partner universities who use German as a foreign language at university and in their job. This course can be credited with 3 ECTS credit points per course. A language level of at least B2.1 in German is required.


The courses are free of charge for exchange students from partner universities and students of English taught master programs!

If you have any further questions about these courses, please send them by e-mail to the colleagues at the study-related german courses.