In­form­a­tion on health in­sur­ance for ex­change stu­dents

  • Students from EU & EEA countries, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Switzerland, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey and the United Kingdom

    If you are statutorily insured in your home country, please apply before your mobility for a European health insurance card (EHIC), Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) or equivalent documentation (e.g. Form E-111, AT 11, ATN 11 or BH6). 

    You then take the relevant document to a statutory health insurer in Germany and apply for confirmation that you do not require additional insurance. The health insurance company will send this confirmation electronically directly to the university.

    Important: You must present the EHIC or Form E111 when visiting a doctor or in the hospital.

    If you do not have statutory health insurance in your home country, you must take out private health insurance in Germany.

  • Students from non EU third countries

    Students from non-EU third countries must take out a German health insurance plan - usually a statutory insurance. Information on statutory health insurance providers and further information on the subject of insurance can be found on the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) website. If you have any specific questions about individual insurance plans, please contact the providers directly.

    The costs for statuatory health insurances amount to ca. EUR 125 per month, depending on the service and provider you choose. In all cases we recommend securing full insurance protection that includes treatment of chronic illnesses, long-term hospital stays, etc.

    Important: Your health insurance status needs to be transferred electronically from a statutory health insurance company to the University. Without this notification, your enrollment cannot be completed.

  • You need to take out private health insurance?

    If you take out a private health insurance instead - as, for certain legal reasons, you might not be entitled to a membership in a statutory health insurance - you are required to apply for a electronical waiver from a statutory health insurance which confirms that you are not subject to compulsory insurance. This is free of charge.

An international travel health insurance is often acceptable for entering Germany and for receiving a valid visa, however, it will not be sufficient to study at a German university!

Health Insurance & Student…

Overview Health Insurance and Notification Procedures (SMV)



The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) can be found on the back of your insurance card. It must be filled out completely to use it abroad. If the reverse side is filled in with asterisks, the card does not entitle you to claim benefits abroad.