Propelling Business Process Management by Research and Innovation Staff Exchange
Duration: 01/2015 - 12/2019
Funded by: EU
Contact: Dr. Christian Bartelheimer, Prof. Dr. Daniel Beverungen
Das Heilige hatte über Jahrhunderte die Funktion einer ‚starken‘, nicht mehr hinterfragbaren Setzung, die in säkularen Gesellschaften ihre Bedeutung an andere diskursive Formierungen gesellschaftlicher Selbstverständlichkeiten verloren zu haben schien oder sie zumindest mit diesen geteilt hat. Nicht erst seit dem 11. September 2001 aber haben ...
Duration: 01/2015 - 12/2024
Emerald Management Simulation - Gestaltung und Evaluation einer prozessorientierten Businesssimulation
The “Emerald Management Simulation” project focuses on the design of a computer-aided management game in which learners learn the core business processes of a consumer goods manufacturer operating on the market. They compete against other simulation groups and receive direct feedback on their business decisions via market reactions. In addition to ...
Duration: 01/2015 - 12/2024
Derived–tame algebras and non–commutative nodal curves
The goal of this project is to develop a systematic theory of non-commutative nodal projective curves, similar to the theory of weighted projective lines of Geigle and Lenzing. In particular, we want to clarify when the derived category of coherent sheaves on such a curve admits a tilting object, and describe the classes of tilted algebras arising ...
Duration: 01/2015 - 12/2019
Funded by: DFG
DUC - Diversity Management in großen Lehrveranstaltungen durch hochschuldidaktisch eingebetteten User-Generated Content
The DUC project attempts to overcome learning barriers and support students in successfully shaping their learning processes through innovative, technology-supported learning scenarios that take into account the diversity of learning groups in large university events. The aim is to promote cognitive skills in terms of specialist knowledge and ...
Duration: 01/2015 - 12/2015
Funded by: Zentrum für Kompetenzentwicklung für Diversity Management in Studium und Lehre an Hochschulen in NRW
InnoArchIT: Innovative Hardware und Software Architekturen durch Industrial IT
Innovationsprojekt: Kleiner Chip – großer EffektUnsere Volkswirtschaft setzt auf Hightech-Produkte wie z.B. computerbasierte Maschinensteuerungen. Diese haben meistens nur kurze Produktlebenszyklen und geringe Losgrößen. Daher müssen die Maschinen und automatisierten Anlagen zur Herstellung dieser Produkte immer wieder schnell für neue ...
Duration: 10/2014 - 06/2017
Funded by: BMBF
Contact: Carlos Paiz Gatica
SEEL - Sound in European E-Learning
SEEL is an ERASMUS+ project embedded in the 'Strategic Partnerships' action with a focus on vocational education and training (VET). As an internationally oriented project in the EU education program. The duration of the SEEL project is 24 months.Four partners from three countries are working together on the project: from Germany, Romania and the ...
Duration: 09/2014 - 08/2016
Funded by: EU
SELFIE - Career Planning for Dynamic Economics
SELFIE is an ERASMUS+ project in the form of a 'Strategic Partnership' with a focus on vocational training and other fields (Strategic Partnership addressing more than one field). It is implemented as an internationally oriented project in the EU education program. The participating organizations in SELFIE come from Ireland, Cyprus, Lithuania, ...
Duration: 09/2014 - 08/2016
Funded by: EU
SYNERGY - Harnessing the Learning Assets Within the SME Business Community
SYNERGY is a 24-month ERASMUS+ project. It is embedded in the 'Strategic Partnerships' action with a focus on Vocational Education and Training (VET). It is implemented as an internationally oriented project in the EU education program.Seven institutions from seven countries are cooperating in SYNERGY: Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, ...
Duration: 09/2014 - 08/2016
Funded by: EU