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With the launch of the program in 2008, the mentoring program for doctoral students has become a fundamental tool for human resources development at Paderborn University. The program supports female doctoral students and offers them an opportunity to become more familiar with possible academic careers trough the insight view of an experienced mentor. In addition, it also focuses on strategies for success in an academic context and supports professional networking.

Our expertise benefits not only female research scientists but also the institution. Besides organizing mentoring programs regularly to reach women at the various stages of their careers, we offer female doctoral students and post-doctoral candidates one-on-one coaching to address their particular career needs. For women in the post-doctoral phase, we supervise coaching with colleagues. We also provide advice on how to set up mentoring programs.

Offers for female students interested in doctoral studies

Offers for female doctoral candidates

Offers for post-doctoral candidates who are women

Other offers

  • We provide advice on how to develop concepts for mentoring programs and services for expanding staff in STEM faculties.
  • We train and assist the mentors participating in your mentoring programs throughout the various departments and faculties.
  • We hold workshops and events to help determine the benchmark criteria, clarify goals, and provide the basis for networking.

Von Bach­el­or bis Pro­fes­sur - Un­sere An­ge­bote

Weit­ere An­ge­bote

  • Wir beraten Sie bei der Konzeptentwicklung von Mentoring-Angeboten und Angeboten zur wissenschaftlichen Personalentwicklung.
  • Wir schulen und begleiten Mentor*innen Ihrer Mentoring-Angebote in den verschiedenen Bereichen und Fakultäten.
  • Wir führen Workshops und Veranstaltungen zur Standortbestimmung, Zielklärung und Vernetzung von Mentees durch.