Wel­come - Of­fers for refugee stu­dents

The Welcome - Students get involved for refugees programme, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), aims to quickly prepare refugees who are able to study for a degree in Germany and to integrate them into the university location and the university.

The programme is intended to promote the deployment of student assistants who are involved either in self-organised initiatives by student groups or as part of the support and integration of refugees who are able to study organised by the university (e.g. preparation of information material, mentoring, translations, advice, language courses). Foreign students with the relevant language skills or students with experience abroad can be used in particular.

There are currently no more courses funded by the Welcome Programme. However, refugees with a residence permit can apply for our international mixed preparatory German courses to prepare for the DSH (German language examination for university entrance). The DSH courses are offered at levels from A2 to C1 CEFR. For refugees who are qualified to study, the course fees can usually be covered by the "NRWege ins Studium" funding programme from level B1. If you are interested, please enclose a copy of your residence document with your application.

Counselling in Russian language: In addition to our regular office hours, the International Office offers individual counselling (also) in Russian language for refugees, but also for further applicants. An appointment is not required.

Please note our office hours for personal consultation and telephone hotline. 

Since 2015, the German University Foundation has been supporting refugee students in Germany with the Welcome Scholarship Programme. You can find further information on the website at  Scholarship "Welcome" of the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers .



Cur­rent events in the winter semester 2023/24

Invitation to the DAAD Welcome Programme events


Dear students,

As part of the DAAD Welcome Programme, we are pleased to invite you to three interesting events:

  • Visit to the Heinz Nixdorf Museum on 16 November at 3 pm.

  • Exploration of the Paderborn City Museum on 29 November at 4 pm.

  • Visit to the Paderborn Christmas Market on 11 December at 5 pm.

Important! We ask you to register at least 5 days in advance at the following e-mail address: ukraine@zv.uni-paderborn.de.

We ask you to bring your student ID and an identification document to the events.

All students are welcome as we would like to celebrate cultural diversity and promote intercultural relations together.

We hope to see many of you at these events. It will certainly be a great opportunity to discover the culture and history of Paderborn and enjoy the festive Christmas spirit.