Lan­guage tests and courses

Ob­lig­at­ory on­line lan­guage test (for non-nat­ives, ap­prox. 45-60 minutes)

One goal of the Erasmus+ programme is to support students in improving their language skills. To this end the European Commission developed an online tool to enable all Erasmus programme participants to complete obligatory online language tests.  The online language test must be completed by students and graduates both before and after the internship abroad in the main working language of the internship.  Language tests are available for all 24 official languages of the European Union.

The language test is not part of the selection criteria for the awarding of Erasmus+ grants and is not obligatory for native speakers of the relevant language. The language test is completed after the grant has been awarded and serves purely to ascertain and record your current language level. The test needs to be taken both before and after the stay abroad in order to compare the results and to determine if the participant’s language ability has improved during the mobility programme. This systematic, Europe-wide testing of the development of individual language skills makes it possible to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the Erasmus+ programme.