Ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments

Completely filled in and signed by you, the internship provider and the contact person in your faculty (see download area).


(max. 2 pages in tabular form)


The letter of motivation should include information on:

  • The relevance of the internship abroad to your field of studies,
  • Your motivation for completing an internship abroad and the (academic) goals that you hope to achieve,
  • Your future career aspirations after completing your studies.

The letter of motivation should not exceed 2 pages. Please use the standard MS-Word settings for the page margins (2.5 cm left and right, 2 cm for top and bottom). The line spacing should be set to 1.5 and the font size should not be larger than Arial 11 point.

If you will use a "sustainable means of transport" for at least 50% of the distance of your arrival and departure, you have the possibility to apply for a subsidy of one-time 50 Euros and a maximum of 4 additional travel days (daily rate according to country category).

Sustainable means of transport are (as of 11/2021):
Train, bus, carpooling, cycling, walking.

Please complete the document even if you do not wish to apply for additional green travel funding, as we have to document this under Erasmus+.

You can find the application in the download area.