Re­quired doc­u­ments

As an Erasmus+ student, you are required to complete and submit several documents to us before, during, and after your stay abroad.

Be­fore your ex­change

You will complete the online language test before your exchange begins. You must upload the result to Mobility Online. You will receive an automatic invitation email. We will inform you once the test is available.

Native speakers in the language of instruction are exempt from the OLS test.

The Grant Agreement is the Erasmus+ contract between the promoter (Erasmus+ Student Mobility Coordinator) and the beneficiary (Erasmus+ students).

We provide the Grant Agreement in individualised form (usually in June/July) for download in Mobility Online. The IO will inform you about this in due course. Please note in particular the information on the duration of your mobility phase, the amount of your financial support and the payment of the grant. The period of time indicated in Mobility Online (which will be included in the Grant Agreement) is intentionally broad, as your mobility is only eligible if it is within the dates indicated in the Grant Agreement. Please contact your host university for the exact times of your stay.

Please print out the document twice, sign both copies and send them to us in the original and before the start of your mobility phase by post or in person. We will then also sign both copies, take one on file and return one to you by post.

The Grant Agreement is the only Erasmus+ document that must be submitted to us with original signatures. All other documents can also be uploaded electronically.

(Kopie 2)

Until these three documents are received in full by the International Office, payment of the first scholarship installment cannot be made.

Dur­ing your ex­change

The Confirmation of Participation (available for download in Mobility Online) certifies the duration of your stay and is the basis for the exact day calculation of your scholarship.

Print out the document and have your Incoming Coordinator at the International Office of the partner university complete and sign it before your departure.

The Erasmus+ scholarship is linked to a stay in the host country according to the guidelines of the EU Commission. The EU Commission distinguishes between physical, blended and virtual mobility. It is important to emphasise that this refers to the place(s) of stay during your mobility and not to the form of teaching: physical mobility refers to mobility during which you spend all of your time in the host country (and attend classes there in person and/or virtually), and virtual mobility refers to purely virtual participation in the activities of the host university from Germany. In a blended mobility, you spend part of your exchange semester physically in the host country and part in Germany, during which you then study virtually at the host university.

The start date is the first day on which you are physically or virtually present at the partner university for academic purposes (e.g. start of lectures, welcome event, start of a language course at the partner university).

The end date is the last day on which you are physically or virtually present at the partner university for academic purposes (e.g. end of lectures, last exam/examination).

If you arrive earlier or leave later for private reasons, this will not be confirmed in the Confirmation and will not be included in your scholarship calculation. Mandatory quarantine periods upon entry into the host country can be included in the funding with proof. Quarantine periods upon return to the home country, on the other hand, cannot be funded as a mobility phase.

After your ex­change

Upload the confirmation to Mobility Online up to two weeks after the end of your stay abroad. Please keep the original confirmation, as you may also need it for other offices (e.g. BAFöG office).

Have your Incoming Coordinator at the International Office of the partner university complete and sign the Confirmation before your departure. You may need to provide the host university with additional information (e.g. travel documents) so that they can confirm how (physical, virtual or blended) and from when to when the exchange took place.

The end date is the last day on which you are physically or virtually present at the partner university for academic purposes (e.g. end of lectures, last exam/examination).

The Confirmation of Participation is particularly important for the calculation of your scholarship amount to the exact day. If you arrive earlier or leave later for private reasons, this will not be confirmed in the Confirmation and will not be included in your scholarship calculation.

After your exchange comes to an end (according to the dates in the grant agreement) you will automatically receive an email with personal login details for the online report form.

The online report can be completed and submitted online and is largely made up of questions that can be answered by ticking boxes. Please complete the report carefully and truthfully.

After completing the report, download it as a PDF and upload the file to your Mobility Online account. Please upload the confirmation to Mobility Online no later than 2 weeks after being asked to participate in the survey.

If you do not receive login details for the online report or have lost them, let us know so that we can trigger another email.

You will complete the language test online after completing your exchange period. You will automatically receive an email after the mobility end date that you entered into OLS. If you receive this email too late or too soon, you should correct the mobility dates in OLS.

Please download the result of the language test as a PDF and upload this to Mobility Online.

In addition to the online report, you must also submit an individual experience report within 4 weeks after your mobility which will be published in our database.

In your Mobility Online account you will find a template for your experience report and a workflow step where you can upload it.

Please note the following instructions:

  • Please make sure to keep the experience report anonymous. Only initials are allowed.
  • Please also make sure to fill in the cover page completely. This includes, for example, the course of study, the duration of the semester, information about the partner university, etc.

The experience report is very important to us and is an important aid for future Erasmus students. Please respect and adhere to the guidelines.

You are welcome to write a joint report with other exchange students at the same host university. In this case, please send us an email with the names of the other students who have contributed to the report.

It must be clearly stated in the transcript of records that the credited courses were completed abroad.

(Kopie 3)

Until the first four documents have been received in full by the International Office (uploaded in MO), payment of the second scholarship instalment cannot be made.


Melek Boubaker
Room: I4.210
Phone: +49 (5251) 60 4449
E-Mail: io-outgoing
Office hours:

Tue 12pm - 1pm
Online Office-Hours via Zoom

(We will let you enter one by one from the waiting room.)

The open office hour on 23.07. is cancelled.