Projects from Dr. Angela Grimminger
SAYL: Stimulating Adventures for Young Learners
Duration: 09/2022 - 12/2025
Funded by: EU Erasmus+
TRR 318 - Constructing Explainability
In unserer digitalen Gesellschaft nehmen die algorithmischen Ansätze (wie das maschinelle Lernen) rasant an Komplexität zu. Diese erschwert es den Bürger:innen, die Assistenz nachzuvollziehen und die von Algorithmen vorgeschlagenen Entscheidungen zu akzeptieren. Als Antwort auf diese gesellschaftliche Herausforderung hat die Forschung begonnen, ...
Duration: 07/2021 - 06/2025
Funded by: DFG
TRR 318 - Monitoring the understanding of explanations (Subproject A02)
When something is being explained to someone, the explainee signals their understanding – or lack thereof – to the explainer with verbal expressions and other non-verbal means of communication, such as gestures and facial expressions. By nodding, the explainee can signal that they have understood. Nodding, however, can also be meant as a request to ...
Duration: 07/2021 - 06/2025
Funded by: DFG