947 projects were found
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PADrend: Platform for Algorithm Development and Rendering

Duration: since 07/2024

PUB-Web: Paderborn University BSP-based Web Computing

The Paderborn University BSP-based Web Computing (PUB-Web) library (formerly known as PUBWCL) combines aspects of both volunteer computing and grid computing: Like in the volunteer computing approach, web computing means to unify lots of PCs connected via the Internet to a virtual supercomputer (rather than connecting a few supercomputers or ...

Duration: since 07/2024

Contact: Joachim Gehweiler

PUB: Paderborn University BSP Library

The Paderborn University BSP (PUB) library is a powerful C-library for running parallel programs in the bulk-synchronous (BSP) fashion on diverse types of parallel machines - ranging from classic, monolithic parallel machines to PC clusters. Such a PC cluster may be heterogeneous with respect to both hardware and availability; especially, PUB is ...

Duration: since 07/2024

SAHNE: A Simulation Environment for Ad Hoc Networks

Duration: since 07/2024

Funded by: DFG, EU

Acoustic Event Detection / Sound Recognition

Duration: since 07/2024

Contact: Janek Ebbers, Alexander Werning

Spectral Denoising

Duration: since 07/2024

Digital assistance in injection moulding

The aim is to provide decentralised and intuitive support for machine operators in eliminating acute faults in the injection moulding process. The client, Hadi-Plast GmbH & Co. KG is an innovative company undergoing digital transformation.

Duration: since 07/2024

Funded by: Hadi-Plast