947 projects were found

TRR 285 - Subproject C02

Duration: since 07/2024

TRR 285 - Subproject C03

Duration: since 07/2024

TRR 285 - Subproject C04

Duration: since 07/2024

TRR 285 - Subproject C05

Duration: since 07/2024

TRR 285 - Subproject Z01

Duration: since 07/2024

An ultrasound based measurement method considering viscoelastic properties to characterize the fibre matrix adhesion of organic sheets and their realistic modelling

Duration: since 07/2024

Funded by: DFG

Codekompression für Smartcards

Duration: since 07/2024

Mathematische Grundlagen von Tampering-Attacken

Duration: since 07/2024

Entwicklung kryptographischer Protokolle für elektronische Geldautomaten

Duration: since 07/2024

Automatic generation of landscapes based on road data

For virtual simulation environments, it is often necessary to create large, complex 3D landscapes. The manual creation ofsuch landscapes is often very time consuming and expensive. In cooperation with dSPACE GmbH by the Software InnovationLab of Paderborn University, we develop methods for automatically generating landscapes for driving ...

Duration: since 07/2024

Contact: Dr. Matthias Fischer, Sascha Brandt