947 projects were found

TRR 285 - Subproject Z01

Duration: since 07/2024

An ultrasound based measurement method considering viscoelastic properties to characterize the fibre matrix adhesion of organic sheets and their realistic modelling

Duration: since 07/2024

Funded by: DFG

Codekompression für Smartcards

Duration: since 07/2024

Mathematische Grundlagen von Tampering-Attacken

Duration: since 07/2024

Entwicklung kryptographischer Protokolle für elektronische Geldautomaten

Duration: since 07/2024

Three-Dimensional Microscopic Simulation of High-Harmonic Generation and Strong Field Phenomena in Semiconductors

Duration: since 07/2024

Funded by: SGC

IBOSS: Information-Based Optimization of Surgery Schedules

Duration: since 07/2024

Funded by: BMBF

Cute-machining - Cutting edge machining intelligence cloud

The Project "Cutting edge machining intelligence cloud", aims at the optimization of manufacturing processes by empowering the machining tools as "Smart Objects". In this project, the problem of tool-life fluctuations and the lack of predictability of tool-life in CNC machines are addressed and resolved using the so-called "tool monitoring" ...

Duration: since 07/2024

Funded by: EU, EFRE.NRW, LeitmarktAgentur.NRW

Contact: Saed Abughannam, M.Sc. Sanaz Haddadian

Abstract Words

mit Prof. Dr. Dr. Oliver Reis, Universität PaderbornProjektmitarbeiterin: Dr. Franziska ViertelPosterpräsentationen:Rohlfing, K. J., Viertel, F., Kohlmeyer, T., & Reis, O. (2019). Caregivers’ contributions to children’s understanding of abstract words during joint book reading. Poster beim Child Language Symposium, Sheffield, UK, 10.-11. Juli.

Duration: since 07/2024

Baby-Komm: Ein Elternfragebogen zu den frühen kindlichen Kommunikationsfähigkeiten (8-10 Monate)

Innerhalb des Projektes ist ein Fragebogen entwickelt worden, der die frühen kommunikativen Fähigkeiten von Säuglingen erfasst.Ehemalige Projektmitarbeiterin Dr. Silke Fischer

Duration: since 07/2024