

In the KatHelfer project, a broad-based consortium of users, industry partners and research institutes has come together to integrate existing approaches for coordinating spontaneous helpers into an overall socio-technical solution. In the past, SIFO research projects such as KUBAS, ENSURE, REBEKA, INKA and the ongoing WUKAS have generated solutions for various challenges in the coordination of spontaneous helpers. However, the integration of spontaneous, voluntary citizen assistance in the prevention of crisis and disaster situations is a task for society as a whole that presents BOS users with a variety of challenges that cannot be addressed by individual solutions. The KatHelfer project is therefore creating a solution that includes both a software-based spontaneous helper coordination system and organizational and procedural support for dealing with spontaneous helpers. The project aims to further develop existing solutions in such a way that they can be made widely available and are widely accepted by all user groups. In order to involve the population on a large scale, new procedures for automatic information and alerting via several communication channels will be integrated and based on an accessible design. Interfaces to existing systems are being further developed to ensure uncomplicated participation on the part of the BOS. Assistance for the socio-organizational challenges of coordinating helpers will also be taken into account by further developing guidelines and recommendations for dealing with first responders and spontaneous helpers at the scene and in staff work. The integrated solutions will be extensively validated with users from different BOS and with the participation of citizens. The results will be integrated into the proven infrastructure of the KATRETTER system to ensure promising long-term utilization.

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Key Facts

Informationssystem, Kooperation
Research profile area:
Intelligent Technical Systems
Project type:
Project duration:
01/2023 - 12/2024
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Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Guido Schryen

Management Information Systems and Operations Research

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