GBL-SEC - Game based learning tools to foster science education and carers
The GBL-SEC project aims to conceptualize, design, implement and evaluate four interconnected and complementary tools for promoting scientific education and career paths that can also be used independently of each other.
These tools will be implemented and programmed using new media and the internet to provide a modern, user-friendly solution that can be run both in a browser and as an app. The tools will be developed on the basis of a game-based learning approach to combine motivational aspects and skills development in a meaningful way. The focus is on raising learners' awareness of research and research-driven practices. The didactic embedding is based on the situated approach, whereby authentic situations from research and professional life are used. On the basis of research-based learning, the interests, competencies and motivations of the learners are recorded and diagnosed. Through a competitive approach, the learners are brought into a competition that, on the one hand, encourages them to use the GBL-SEC and, on the other hand, supports a basis for assessing and deciding on future career paths. The four tools to be developed in the project are
- a tool for personality assessment,
- a second tool for exploring work behavior,
- a third tool that provides insights into scientific procedures and working methods, and
- a fourth tool that
The project promotes social, technical, communicative and methodological skills.
The start-up funding is a project funding for state-owned universities in North Rhine-Westphalia in the funding program “Humanities and Social Sciences in NRW” based on §§ 23, 44 LHO. The project funded by the start-up financing involves designing two online workshops and one real workshop to prepare a Horizon 2020 application entitled GBL-SEC for the development of a game-based learning tool. This includes a literature study on game-based learning and its significance for vocational training.
Key Facts
- Grant Number:
- PtJ-Az.: 1404eu007 / H2020-SEAC-2015-1
- Project duration:
- 05/2014 - 06/2015
- Funded by: