SANDD Sub-Saharan Africa DaF digital network


In many sub-Saharan African countries, learning German is shaped by the colonial past, multilingualism in everyday life and post-colonial monolingualism in the school system as well as political influences from Germany, currently primarily the aim of recruiting skilled labour. Together with partners in Augsburg, Kara, Windhoek and Namibia, the project team is investigating various issues in this field, which focus on attitudes and beliefs, teaching design and the professionalisation of teachers.

In this context, a digital platform is being developed that bundles professionalisation offers and makes them visible.

Key Facts

Project duration:
05/2024 - 12/2026
Funded by:

More Information

Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Sandra Ballweg

German as a second language, German as a foreign language and multilingualism

About the person
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Aqtime Gnouléléng Edjabou

Université de Kara

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Lorna Okoko

Kenyatta University

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Kristina Peuschel

Universität Augsburg

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Gerda Wittmann

University of Namibia

Cooperating Institutions

Universität Augsburg

Cooperating Institution

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Université de Kara

Cooperating Institution

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University of Namibia

Cooperating Institution

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Kenyatta University

Cooperating Institution

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