Vac­cin­a­tion en­ti­tle­ment for uni­ver­sity em­ploy­ees: Reg­u­la­tions from the state of NRW

The federal government has placed employees at universities in priority group 3 within the framework of the vaccination ordinance. Implementation here is the responsibility of the states, subject to sufficient availability of the vaccine. The state of NRW has included a subgroup of priority group 3 in the current vaccination schedule since May 6. Unfortunately, employees of universities are not yet included in this group and therefore it is not yet their turn. The Paderborn District Health Office has also informed that, due to the shortage of vaccine, only those groups of people in the Paderborn district who have been approved by the State Health Ministry can currently be vaccinated.

The employer's certificate, which is accepted by the vaccination centers in NRW and is a prerequisite for vaccination, is specified in terms of content by the state health ministry. It will not be published and released until the employees for the university sector are included in the state's vaccination schedule. Once this happens, the University has everything in place to immediately issue these certificates and allow our employees to be vaccinated.

Prioritization has been lifted for vaccination with AstraZeneca and Johnson&Johnson vaccines. The family doctors are available for consultation here.

Update as of May 14, 2021:

The Ministry of Health in North Rhine-Westphalia is now making vaccinations possible for university employees in medical practices. Vaccination in the vaccination centers are, however, still reserved for other groups, to which university employees do not yet currently belong.

If you can arrange a vaccination appointment with your doctor, you will need an original signature from your employer, which Paderborn University will be happy to issue and send to your private address that Paderborn University has on file. If you need this certificate, please contact the HR department directly by email.