New Mas­ter's de­gree pro­gramme in "Sus­tain­able Chem­istry" starts in winter semester 2024/2025

 |  SustainabilityStudiesTeachingPress releaseFaculty of Science

From fuel cells and environmentally friendly materials to climate-neutral energy concepts: chemistry forms the basis for numerous key technologies when it comes to finding solutions to the pressing problems of our time. In order to prepare students in the best possible way for current and future challenges in the area of conflict between natural sciences and sustainability, Paderborn University has launched the new Master's degree programme ‘Sustainable Chemistry’. The course starts in the winter semester 2024/2025 and applications can still be submitted until 21 September.

Flexible degree programme with an interdisciplinary approach

Special emphasis is placed on the areas of energy management, catalytic processes and customised materials. The Master's degree programme comprises both compulsory and elective areas, with the latter making up the majority of the course. ‘This allows students to pursue their individual interests and continue their education in specialised areas,’ explains Prof. Dr Thomas Werner, spokesperson for the Department of Chemistry at Paderborn University. In addition to advanced chemistry knowledge, the curriculum also includes energy management and physics topics directly related to sustainability. ‘As the path to a more sustainable society is an interdisciplinary challenge and makes it essential to think outside the box, topics directly related to sustainability from the fields of economics and physics are also an integral part of the degree programme. In this way, we are preparing the next generation of researchers for the challenges they will face in their future careers,’ explains Werner. Prof Dr Jan Paradies, also a chemist at Paderborn University, adds: ‘Thanks to the practical training in excellently equipped laboratories and the opportunity to carry out international research projects, we offer our students a first-class education.’

Sustainability right from the start

Paderborn University attaches great importance to sustainable topics as early as the Bachelor's degree programme in Chemistry. Lectures such as ‘Green Chemistry’ and ‘Electrochemistry’ prepare students for the Master's programme. In the new ‘Sustainable Chemistry’ degree programme, these fundamentals are deepened and expanded. ‘The degree programme reflects the close link between theory and practice and is unique in Germany to date,’ continued Paradies. With the introduction of the programme, Paderborn University is underlining its role as a pioneer in education and research for a sustainable future. According to Paradies, the degree programme offers students a unique opportunity to contribute to solving global challenges and to learn in an innovative and interdisciplinary environment.

Further information on the degree programmes and the application process can be found here.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Thosten Hennig): In order to best prepare students for current and future challenges in the area of conflict between natural sciences and sustainability, Paderborn University has launched the new Master's degree programme "Sustainable Chemistry".
