Voices of Ukrain­i­an Wo­men Philo­soph­ers on the De­struc­tion of Nature in War

Ort: L3.204 / digital

Conference at Paderborn University with Oksana Sabuschko and others

On Friday and Saturday, 27 and 28 October, the "Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists" (HWPS) of Paderborn University invites to the conference "Voices from Ukraine: Women Philosophers and Scientists Against War and Ecocide". International women scientists, mostly from Ukraine, will speak about the extent to which Russian airstrikes are targeting vital Ukrainian infrastructure. The lectures will be held in English, discussions can be held in English, German and Ukrainian. All interested parties are invited. Please register in advance by email to contact@historyofwomenphilosophers.org or felix.grewe@uni-paderborn.de with the reference "Voices of Ukraine". Digital participation is also possible. The entire programme is available on the event website.

The highlight of the event will be a lecture by the Ukrainian philosopher and literary figure Oksana Sabushko, recipient of the highest-ranking French order of the Legion of Honour. She has written about her war experience in numerous articles and her book "The Longest Journey". Insights and reports on what is happening on the scene as well as videos and scientific reports complement the spoken contributions. The event is funded by the European Union as part of the MSCA4Ukraine project and organised in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Kateryna Karpenko, Director of the "Center for Gender Studies" at Kharkiv National Medical University (KNMU) in Ukraine.

Photo (private): The Ukrainian philosopher and literary figure Oksana Sabuschko is coming to Paderborn University to talk about ecocide in Ukraine.
Photo (Paderborn University/private): (from left) Prof. Dr. Ruth Hagengruber from the Paderborn Center HWPS and Prof. Dr. Kateryna Karpenko from the Ukrainian "Center for Gender Studies" jointly organise the conference "Voices from Ukraine".


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Prof.in Dr.in Ruth Hagengruber

Praktische Philosophie

Director Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists

Write email +49 5251 60-2309