"Call for Ideas 2024": an­niversary fi­nal of the ideas com­pet­i­tion on 4 Ju­ly

Ort: VolksbankForum am Neuen Platz 1

VerbundVolksbank OWL eG and garage33, the start-up centre of Paderborn University, together with the "Center for Entrepreneurship" and the "Campus Foundery OWL" of the Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences (TH OWL) are organising the grand finale of the "Call for Ideas" competition for the tenth time on Thursday, 4 July. The aim of the event is to promote innovative business ideas from Ostwestfalen-Lippe and offer young talent a platform. The winners not only receive prize money totalling 3,000 euros, sponsored by VerbundVolksbank OWL, they also have the opportunity to turn their ideas into reality with the support of the university's business start-up centres.

The three universities form the Exzellenz Start-up Center.OWL, one of a total of six centres awarded by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia to promote forward-looking business ideas.  The anniversary finale will take place in the VolksbankForum at Neuer Platz 1 in Paderborn and is open to all interested parties. Admission starts at 5 pm. Free tickets are available online.

Eight teams present their innovative business ideas

The applicants had to submit an idea paper in advance, either alone or in a team. In addition to the business idea, the benefits, the market and the feasibility had to be presented. It did not matter whether the idea came from the product, service or research sector. At the grand pitch final, the finalists will now present their ideas to an expert jury. Each team has five minutes to convince the jury of their idea and can then answer questions from the experts.

"Innovative and successful founders secure our future. As a regional network bank, we have been a partner of the 'Call for Ideas' competition from the very beginning, and this year marks the tenth anniversary of the event. We want to motivate founders to develop creative ideas, then present them and pursue them further with network partners from the strong regional SME sector. We are very much looking forward to what is sure to be another thrilling finale and exciting pitches," emphasises Ansgar Käter, Chairman of the Board of VerbundVolksbank OWL eG.

Visitors can expect an entertaining evening with inspiring pitches, an exciting panel with "Call for Ideas" alumni and the opportunity to exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere.

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Photo (garage33): The finalists, the jury and the organisers from VerbundVolksbank OWL and garage33 celebrate the winners of the Call for Ideas 2023. This year marks the tenth time the final has taken place.
