Stu­dent as­so­ci­ations/uni­ver­sity groups at UPB

Students at Paderborn University have the opportunity to form student associations. These associations, generally also referred to as university groups, contribute to the formation of political will in accordance with § 53 (3) of the NRW Higher Education Act. Contributions to the formation of political will can be made through parts of the group's work and/or orientation.

The prerequisites for founding a university group are

  • the drawing up of a constitution, which can be closely based on the model constitution.
  • A list of founding members including original signatures of the founders.
  • a statement in the statutes of the way in which the political will is formed.
  • Only registered students of UPB can be full members of a university group. Membership is not transferable. Membership rights can only be exercised personally.

The submitted constitution will be checked by the administration. If UPB has no objections to the foundation of the university group, the group will be recognised and is thus entitled to use UPB rooms free of charge for group events. UPB does not provide any further financial support for the university group.

Once a year, recognised university groups are requested to submit a feedback form on the current status of the university group between the end of the summer semester and 15 October. If this feedback is not received, recognition is suspended.

Student initiatives

In addition to founding a university group, it is also possible to found a student initiative. A student initiative differs from a university group in that it does not have to demonstrate political will. An initiative must participate in the fulfilment of the tasks of the student body and prepare an annual accountability report. Initiatives may receive financial support from the AStA. To found a student initiative, please contact the Presidium of the Student Parliament.


We are the Juso University Group Paderborn! With the aim of moving life at the university, we not only campaign for improvements in education, social and science policy, but also develop our own positions on all political issues that have to do with the lives of students.

With campaigns and events, we make the students' voices heard in public and bring our positions into the political debate.

We are open to everyone who is interested in future-oriented and emancipatory politics at Paderborn University.

Do you want to join us? Just talk to us directly or contact us via DM.

Contact details:

Instagram: jusohsg.pb
Mail to Juso

One looks in vain for an arthouse cinema in Paderborn. This is why the association Programmkino Lichtblick e.V., established by students of media studies in 2003, has made it its mission to give presence and validity to films excluded from commercial cinema. By using historical film prints, we also want to sensitise people to the specific materiality of the medium of film. Each semester, we create independent film series on topics such as film noir, queerness or "dreams." The films are usually presented on Tuesdays at 8:30 pm in a nationwide unique cooperation at Pollux by Cineplex Paderborn. Alongside your studies, you can try out a wide range of practical media activities in the fields of cultural mediation, cultural management and marketing, and at the same time get to know other students interested in film and make contacts in the film and cinema industry. You don't need any special film knowledge for this, interested people are always welcome!

We meet on Mondays from 1 to 2 pm in room E.2116 at the university.

Mail to Programmkino Lichtblick

Facebook&Instagram: @progammkinolichtblick

We, oikos Paderborn, are a student initiative and part of an international network of over 50 local groups. With our commitment, we want to make students and teachers aware of sustainability issues and encourage them to critically question their lifestyle as well as the given economic and teaching structures. oikos is as versatile as the 'oikees', i.e. the members: So you can also join us with your academic background, your interests and skills and develop yourself further. You will find in us a community in which you can exchange ideas about sustainability, discuss them and realise various projects. We organise company visits, workshops, lectures and business games. We also organise smaller events such as clothes swaps, waste collection campaigns and film evenings.

The projects vary according to the interests of the members. Through our international network, we have the opportunity to participate in conferences, educational programmes and other meetings. You can make personal as well as academic contacts.

Do you want to be part of a change? And would you like to get to know us better? Here's your chance: come to our weekly meetings on Mondays at 5pm at P9.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Mail to oikos a student interest group for the Industrial Engineering and Management degree programme. The HG-Wing (Wing university group) was founded as early as 1987 and has since been working to combine studies, business and fun events in the interests of the students.


We support the new Wing students right at the beginning of their studies by organising and managing the orientation phase. During this time, some uncertainties are clarified, but if new questions arise, we are there to help and advise. By building up the alumni network, it is also possible to get involved after graduation.

Contact with companies
We enable students to establish business contacts through company visits, workshops and our company contact fair "LOOK IN! We also have a job exchange where job advertisements and contacts for various internships and job offers are passed on in relation to the degree programme. This is how we network the Wing'ler of Paderborn University with companies from the surrounding area.

Fun events
In addition to the serious topics of life, we make sure that students network with each other. This takes place, for example, during student trips, sporting events (water skiing, canoeing, etc.), brewery tours or parties of all kinds.

HG-Wing as part of ESTIEM.

ESTIEM (European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management) unites students from Wing in Europe. In 31 European countries, 75 university groups are involved, creating a network for students, organisations and companies that is unique in Europe. ESTIEM offers professional and personal development through the organisation of various events.

Mail to Wing

The university group Multinational Arabic-speaking Community (MAG) supports Arabic-speaking students in the academic and professional fields. The university group facilitates an exchange of experiences to help new national and international students in particular to find their way around UPB more quickly. It also offers joint leisure activities.

Instagram: mag_paderborn
Mail to MAG

We are the SMD Paderborn and belong to a Germany-wide network of Christian university groups. Our group is meant to be a meeting place for students who believe in Jesus as well as for all those who have not yet come into closer contact with faith and want to learn more about it.

In addition to sharing and fellowship, the focus is also on the discussion of academic topics as well as the Bible itself. We usually meet on Tuesdays for different events, you can find more about this and our group in general on Instagram @smd_paderborn.

Feel free to come and visit us, we look forward to it!

Mail to SMD

The voluntary association Eurobiz has existed at Paderborn University since 1989 and was founded at that time by returning Paderborn students who had missed help during their own semester abroad. So they decided to join forces and make life in Paderborn easier for upcoming exchange students and enable them to have a good time.

Today, students from all faculties are still involved with Eurobiz and organise a large number of events through which many personal contacts and friendships with exchange students are formed. Many of these friendships survive the time spent together in Paderborn.

If you are interested in making friends worldwide and having a lot of fun with international students, just come to our office and join Eurobiz! We meet every Tuesday during the lecture period at 8 p.m. in SP2 0 101. Or you can just drop by our weekly international get-together and enjoy a drink in an international environment. We look forward to seeing you!

You can also find news about us and our activities on our homepage, Facebook or Instagram. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments.

Mail to Eurobiz

Facebook: Eurobiz e.V.
Instagram: eurobiz.upb

Doing good together - that's how you could describe the Leos in three words.
Leo is the youth organisation of Lions Clubs International, in which young people between the ages of 16 and 31 get involved under the motto "We serve".

But Leo is not just about volunteering. We also place a lot of value on community and personal development. With us, you meet committed people, friendships develop and you become part of a network that enables you to get started anywhere. And not only in Germany. There are Leos all over the world - currently almost 170,000 Leos in 150 countries. In other words: exchange, contacts and friends from Berlin to Tokyo to Chicago - we cross borders and discover new horizons.

The acronym LEO stands for Leadership - Experience - Opportunity. Because at Leo you learn to take responsibility, to deal with challenges and you learn for life!

Mail to LEO Club

Wir sind die Zeitung der Studierenden der Uni Paderborn und gehören schon seit vielen Jahren zum „Inventar“ der Universität Paderborn. Alle vier Wochen veröffentlichen wir eine Ausgabe und berichten darin über das Campusleben, Hochschulpolitik und alle möglichen Themen aus Politik, Gesellschaft und Umwelt. Dabei kann sich jeder aus jeder Fachrichtung in jedem Bereich einbringen.

Wir sind eine zusammengewürfelte Redaktion, und haben neben Redakteur:innen von den Medienwissenschaften auch welche aus der Informatik dabei. Auch die Einsatzbereiche sind vielfältig: Social Media, Redaktion und Recherche, Interviewführung, aber natürlich auch Fotografie, Layouten und Website-Building gehören dazu.

Das Highlight ist für uns das alljährliche AStA-Sommerfestival, an dem wir fotografieren und die Künstler:innen Backstage zum Interview treffen.

In der UNIVERSAL bekommen Studierende einen Einblick in journalistische Arbeit von der Konzeption bis zur Veröffentlichung unserer Zeitung – dazu gehört die Suche nach Themen, die Planung der Ausgabe, dann die Recherche und zuletzt das Layouten.

Zu lesen gibt es uns online, aber auch in der Mensa, in der wir mehrmals die Woche die Zeitung auslegen. News und die Links zu Artikeln findet man auf unserem Instagram-Account.

Wir treffen uns jeden Dienstag um 13.10 Uhr im Raum H4.242, kommt gerne vorbei!


Hello! We are the university group Spieleabend, a group of board game enthusiasts from various courses of study who meet weekly for a few rounds of games. We offer a wide variety of board, dice and card games and have games of every complexity and duration in our range, so there's something for everyone.

You are also welcome to bring your own games, as we always have a small group. Special events include our joint trip to the parlour games fair "Spiel" in Essen and the Christmas party at the end of the year.

All students who enjoy playing board games in a cosy group are welcome to drop by.

The games evening takes place every Wednesday from 8 pm in room E1.143. We look forward to seeing you!

We, Paderborn E-Sports University, are a dynamic and open university group dedicated to the exciting world of e-sports. Whether you are a sworn professional gamer or simply interested in e-sports and the community, you will find like-minded people with whom you can share your passion for gaming and games.

Our goal is to create a diverse community of e-sports enthusiasts who are passionate about both competition and fun. We give you the opportunity to improve your gaming skills, discover new games and participate in local and national tournaments.

What we offer:

  • Regular meetings and events
  • Training and coaching - Community and networking
  • Tournaments and competitions
  • Workshops and lectures

We have teams in the following games: League of Legends, Counter-Strike, Rocket League, Valorant, Fifa, Pro Clubs, Hearthstone, Legends of Runeterra, Teamfight Tactics, Genshin Impact, Super Smash Bros, Call of Duty as well as Chess.

Visit our website and follow us on our social media platforms @esportpaderborn to keep up to date with our latest events and activities.

If you want to become part of our university group, write us on Discord !

The German-speaking Multinational Muslim Circle (DMMK) e.V. was founded in 1995 as a student initiative at Paderborn University.

We are a community that prides itself on bringing people of different nationalities, cultures, religions, age groups and academic backgrounds together in peaceful contact.

Under the motto "Talking about God and the world", we meet every week for tea and snacks to discuss various topics from an Islamic perspective and provide a platform for exchange about them. We also organise regular events such as lectures by speakers, quiz evenings, get-togethers for barbecues and other leisure activities.

We cordially invite you and are looking forward to seeing you!

Feel free to follow us on Instagram @dmmk_paderborn, where we will keep you up to date with all the important news and answer any questions you may have.


As a university group, we are an association of students who are committed to making our time together at the university as healthy, nature-loving, sustainable, fair and progressive as possible.

We place particular emphasis on respecting all living beings and protecting and caring for our natural environment at the university. We are approachable for the concerns of the students, are in exchange with other groups and organise events. In addition, we draw up a list every year before the election to run for the student parliament and senate in order to bring our interests to the university's committees.

We are committed to intersectional queer feminism, social participation, better mobility for students, more vegan and affordable food in the refectory, more democratic participation and transparency.

If you have more ideas on how to improve student life on campus, you are welcome to join our regular meetings, just write or talk to us! Mail: Instagram: campusgruenPB Website:

Campus Consult e. V. is Paderborn's student consultancy - a real consultancy that advises real companies, but with students instead of full-time consultants.

With competences in the fields of marketing, IT, quality management, human resources, sales and finance & law, we offer the ideal platform for all those who, in addition to their studies, would like to gain valuable practical experience, further training in hard and soft skills, an (optional) extra income and new friendships with other students from all faculties. In addition to our internal network and contact with companies from all over Germany, we also offer you a student network with student advisors from all over Europe.

If you start your career at Campus Consult this semester, you might already have found your decisive internship or even the boyfriend for life tomorrow. If that doesn't work out, at least you'll have a lot of practical experience and even more fun with motivated friends.

The HG Optica Student Chapter Paderborn is a student association with the aim of founding and establishing an Optica Student Chapter in Paderborn. These chapters offer the opportunity for interested students in the field of photonics to network with other students at the university through regular meetings, exchange with chapters from other universities and participation in events such as excursions, guest lectures and workshops.

In addition, we jointly organise laboratory tours, lectures and school visits to offer the general public an insight into research in the field of photonics.

Interested (PhD) students are welcome to contact us for more information about the next meeting and opportunities in the university group. We look forward to seeing you!

Mail to Optica Student Chapter

Die ASG entstand am 21.4.2012 in Gesellenhausgasse 3, Paderborn (K.H.G: Paderborn) und wurde erstmal 2013 als Hochschulgruppe der Universität anerkannt. Sie ist aus einer Idee von Afrikanischen Studierenden entstanden und ist ebenfalls eine anerkannte studentischen Initiative.

Sie verfolgt die Ziele:

  • Förderung gegenseitiger Hilfe und Solidarität aller afrikanischer Studierenden an der Universität Paderborn
  • Integrations- und Orientierungshilfe für neue afrikanische Studierende an der Universität Paderborn
  • Förderung der afrikanischen Kultur; Stärkung interkultureller Kompetenzen

Projekte, aktuelle und stattgefundene Aktionen :

  • Vollversammlung
  • ASG 10 Jahre Jubiläum Gala Party
  • ASG Summer/Winter Gala Party
  • Orientierungswoche
  • Vorbereitung auf Klausuren
  • Interkulturelle Woche
  • FIFA Abend
  • „Chillabend / Entspannungsabend“: Bowling, Karten spielen…
  • Grillparty
  • Sportaktivitäten: Fahrrad fahren, Fußball spielen, Laufen…
  •  ASG Talks: wie bekomme ich einen Job? Was sind meine Rechte auf der Arbeit? Wie optimiere ich meinen Studienverlauf?
  • Vorträge

Eine Vollversammlung findet einmal pro Monat, in der Regel am letzten Montag des Monats statt. Alle Mitglieder und Sympathisanten sind dazu eingeladen.

Du kannst Kontakt mit uns wie folgt aufnehmen:

Mail an ASG

ASG auf Instagram

Die gewerkschaftliche Werte vertretende Hochschulgruppe ist eine engagierte studentische Vereinigung, die sich für die Verbesserung der Lebens-, Studien- und Arbeitsbedingungen von Studierenden einsetzt. Unser Fokus liegt auf dem ehrenamtlichen Engagement für Demokratie in Gesellschaft und Arbeitswelt. Die GHG setzt sich besonders für das Recht auf gebührenfreie Bildung und Chancengleichheit im gesamten Bildungssystem ein, um jungen Menschen eine qualifizierte und nachhaltige Bildung zu ermöglichen.

Unsere Ziele umfassen auch die Förderung demokratischer und solidarischer Strukturen in Hochschule und Gesellschaft. Wir initiieren und fördern öffentliche Diskussionen zu Mitbestimmung und Partizipation, um demokratisches Bewusstsein und Praxis zu stärken. Dabei setzen wir uns aktiv für euch ein und vertreten eure Interessen als Studis und studentische Beschäftigte. Wir organisieren Aktionen rund um euer zukünftiges Berufsleben und bieten allgemeine Unterstützungsangebote. Außerdem bieten wir euch die Möglichkeit zur Vernetzung. Bei unserer Arbeit ist uns die Wahrnehmung bestehender und der Ausbau notwendiger Mitbestimmungsrechte an der Universität Paderborn ein besonderes Anliegen.

Als überparteiliche und nicht wirtschaftsorientierte Gruppe sind wir ungebunden und fühlen uns den gewerkschaftlichen Werten verpflichtet. Wir laden alle eingeschriebenen Studierenden und Promotionsstudierenden der Universität Paderborn ein, sich als ordentliche Mitglieder der GHG anzuschließen und gemeinsam mit uns für eine bessere Zukunft einzutreten.

Erfahrt mehr über uns per Email und nehmt an unseren regelmäßigen Treffen teil, um aktiv an den Entscheidungen der GHG teilzunehmen. Wir freuen uns darauf, euch in unserer Gemeinschaft willkommen zu heißen!

KurdS-PB ist eine seit dem 30. April 2008 bestehende und seit dem 14. August 2009 offizielle Hochschulgruppe der Universität Paderborn. Die Gründer*innen wollten damit eine zentrale Anlaufstelle für kurdische Studierende bieten, um sich gegenseitig über Studium und Freizeit auszutauschen und das Universitätsleben kulturell mitzugestalten.

Seit dem wächst die Hochschulgruppe und die Aktionen nehmen nicht nur mit der Häufigkeit, sondern insbesondere auch Qualität der Beiträge und Informationen zu. Dazu zählen Informationsstände über die Hochschulgruppe sowie Internationale Wochen, bei denen die kurdische Kultur, Geschichte sowie Sprache im Vordergrund steht.

Die Hochschulgruppe wurde auf 3 Grundsäulen gegründet, die noch immer wesentlicher Bestandteil sind:

- Nicht Parteipolitisch

- Religionsübergreifend

- Gewaltfrei

Unsere Ziele: - Vermittlung der kurdischen Kultur & Geschichte - Orientierungs- und Integrationshilfe für Studierende - Förderung der Toleranz und Akzeptanz zwischen den Studierenden der Universität Paderborn.

Email an die Hochschulgruppe


JGI - Gesell­schaft für In­form­atik Hoch­schul­gruppe Pader­born

Wir sind die GI Hochschulgruppe Paderborn. Die GI (Gesellschaft für Informatik) ist der größte Verein und Interessenverband für Informatik in Deutschland. Als Hochschulgruppe der GI ist es unser Ziel, Menschen, die mit Informatik zu tun haben vor Ort, aber auch interuniversitär miteinander zu vernetzen, ihnen eine Plattform zu bieten und zur Stärkung der Informatik vor Ort beizutragen. Wir stehen für Engagement, Diversität und den Willen, die moderne Welt, als Informatiker*innen aktiv mitzugestalten.

Alle Studierende, egal ob informatiknah oder nicht, sind bei uns herzlich willkommen!

Folgt gerne unserem Instagram Account, @gi_hsg_paderborn, schaut auf unserer Website vorbei oder folgt unserem Mailverteiler, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben.

Wenn ihr etwas wissen wollt, was ihr nicht auf unserer Website findet, schreibt uns gerne eine Mail.

Mail an JGI


  • University group "Paderborner Hochschulkreis" e.V.
  • Academic Hunting Corporation Nimrod zu Paderborn
  • University Group MTP e.V. GS Paderborn " Marketing zwischen Theorie und Praxis e.V., Geschäftsstelle Paderborn" (Marketing between Theory and Practice)
  • African Student Community - ASG
  • University Group Business Informatics e.V.
  • University Group Representing Trade Union Values (GHG)


Ansprechpartnerin Hochschulgruppen:
Anja Ebner
Dez. 2 / SG 2.4
Raum: B3 239
Tel: 05251 60 2170

Ansprechpartner*in Raumbuchung:
Michael Stöppel (Außenveranstaltungen / Party)
Dez. 5 / SG 5.2

Olivia Besel (Innenveranstaltungen)
Dez. 5 / SG 5.2
