Sav­ing en­ergy at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

The energy crisis that has occurred as a result of the war in Ukraine will become increasingly noticeable in the coming weeks as outside temperatures drop. The looming gas shortage has massive consequences - for our private lives, as well as for everyday study and work at Paderborn University.

Therefore, Paderborn University has also taken various measures to save energy. All students and employees can make a valuable contribution through their own behavior. By each individual using energy responsibly, environmentally consciously and sparingly, consumption can be reduced collectively.

Updated on February 14, 2023, 08.45 a.m. in the part: Why does Paderborn University save energy?

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Suggestions and comments on further or existing energy saving opportunities are welcome to be sent to the following mail address: energieeinsparung(at)zv.uni-paderborn(dot)de.


The European Union and the Federal Government of Germany have adopted broad-based measures to save energy in order to secure the supply of private households. These affect the public sector in particular and thus also Paderborn University. Due to the "Ordinance on Securing the Energy Supply via Measures Effective in the Short Term", we have already been obliged to implement corresponding measures since September 1, 2022.

On February 10, 2023, the Federal Council unanimously agreed to extend the period of validity of the corresponding government ordinance (EnSikuMaV) [keyword: room temperatures, among others] beyond February 28, 2023 – until April 15, 2023. The "Second Ordinance Amending the Short-Term Energy Supply Security Measures Ordinance" is available here.

Together with the other universities, we also see it as our responsibility to make a substantial contribution to securing the energy supply. For this reason, the State Rectors' Conference of North Rhine Westphalia has made a commitment to the state government to reduce the energy consumption of North Rhine-Westphalian universities by 20%. This is an ambitious but important contribution to ensuring security of supply overall, and it will directly help our municipal utilities and other provider on site to maintain supplies to private households.


  • Illuminated lettering and the logo are switched off.
  • The exterior and interior lighting, insofar as it is not safety-relevant, is reduce.


  • Room temperatures
    The maximum room temperatures have been set at the following values by the Federal Ordinance on Securing the Energy Supply via Measures Effective in the Short Term of September 1, 2022 and the Decree for Energy-Efficient Operation and Use of Buildings of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia of November 11, 2009:
    • 19 degrees Celsius: for light work in a seated position (offices, seminar rooms, lecture halls, library),
    • 17 degrees Celsius: for work rooms with predominantly non-sitting work (factory halls, sports halls),
    • 15 degrees Celsius: in for adjoining rooms and sanitary facilities,
    • 12 degrees Celsius: for corridors and stairwells as well as workrooms for predominantly physical activity.
    • The flow temperatures in the heating circuits are lowered.

If it is determined that these values are not being adhered to in your premises, please contact the Department 5.4 Technical Facility Management or the above email address.

  • Heaters
    • Please understand that the operation of mobile fan heaters, electric blankets or similar is not permitted.

Technical facilities

  • The operation of all systems (including heating, ventilation, cooling) is checked and optimized.

There are various measures that each individual can implement in their everyday studies and work. The university management asks all university members to:

  • to adapt to the lower room temperatures in our university buildings,
  • to refrain from using appliances that are not absolutely necessary,
  • to avoid using appliances in standby mode as much as possible,
  • to ensure adequate lighting (only as many lamps as necessary) and proper ventilation (intermittent ventilation),
  • to open windows and room doors only for short ventilation measures. In particular, corridor doors should be kept closed as far as possible to prevent the rooms from cooling down and cold drafts.
  • to keep doors closed,
  • to turn down the thermostatic valves in the offices during periods of absence.
  • To ensure proper operation of the radiator and thermostatic head, they must remain free. To do this, pull furniture at least 20cm away from the radiator.

It is an important concern for Paderborn University to keep completely open in the winter semester, if possible, and to enable studying, teaching, research and work in presence.

It is an important concern of Paderborn University to keep the university completely open in the winter semester, if possible, and to enable study, teaching, research and work in presence. At this point in time, this means: face-to-face teaching is the norm, digital distance elements primarily serve to support, supplement and improve face-to-face teaching. Digital examinations remain permitted.


The "Saving Energy" task force meets regularly and formulates measures based on current developments, which are summarized on this page.

You are welcome to send ideas and suggestions for further ways to save energy to the following e-mail address:

You can send your questions to the following e-mail address: energieeinsparung(at)zv.uni-paderborn(dot)de. The colleagues from the Technical Operations Service will deal with it promptly and provide feedback.