Wis­senschaft­skolleg of Pader­born Uni­ver­sity: Ap­ply by 16 Oc­to­ber

 |  ResearchNewsDezernat 2 - Forschungsangelegenheiten, Drittmittel, akademische und internationale Aufgaben

Intellectual freedom and time to develop a research idea into a comprehensive interdisciplinary research project: Highly qualified scientists from the postdoc phase onwards (at least two years) from all disciplines at Paderborn University can now apply for admission to the Wissenschaftskolleg of Paderborn University. The call is open to all topics. The Wissenschaftskolleg offers the opportunity to apply for support for the development of an interdisciplinary and internationally oriented research project together with up to two external colleagues from foreign universities or research institutions. A working group of the Wissenschaftskolleg can concentrate entirely on the development of their research project for a period of six months – free of teaching obligations and in their own rooms, which are available at the AStA city campus.

Interested parties can apply until 16 October.

The funding conditions, applications and further information on previously funded projects can be found on the website of the Wissenschaftskolleg of Paderborn University.