Ap­plic­a­tions for stu­dents

The following applications are available as PDF downloads:

[ Please note that the display of the applications is optimised for viewing in MS Edge and MS Internet Explorer from version 9! In alternative Internet browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc.), the PDF files may have to be saved locally in advance and then opened in Acrobat Reader or an alternative PDF reader. ]

The ECTS application form below is valid for students of the faculties Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science, not for students of the faculty of Business Administration and Economics!

The course registration and deregistration forms below are not valid for courses offered by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics (starting with M.184.XXXX or K.184.XXXX9)!

If you have any questions regarding course registration and deregistration at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, please contact the Office of Student Affairs at

. You can find information on the module registration and deregistration process for courses offered by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics on the page Modules of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics - Registration and deregistration.

Application for admissionto a course in PAUL
(NOT valid for Faculty of Arts and Humanities and Faculty of Business Administration and Economics)

[ English version ] - Application for admission to a course
(NOT valid for Faculty of Arts and Humanities and
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics)

Application forderegistration from a course
(NOT valid for Faculty of Arts and Humanities and Faculty of Business Administration and Economics)

[ English version ] - Application to deregister from a course
(NOT valid for Faculty of Arts and Humanities and
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics)

Application for alteration ofthe standard value of 44 ETCS points
(NOT valid for Faculty of Business Administration and Economics)

[ English version ] - Application for alteration of the individual limit of 44 ETCS
(NOT valid for Faculty of Business Administration and Economics)

The ECTS application form is not valid for students of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics!
Information on the ECTS regulations of the Fac. WiWi can be found [ here ].

To set up a deputy

Please use the following application to set up a deputy in PAUL.

Please send the application by in-house mail to the Centre for Information and Media Technology Services (ZIM) - Spe­cial­ised ad­min­is­trat­ive pro­ced­ures (formerly Department 6) in room H2.103.

Application to set up a deputy

IMT ser­vice portal

I am supposed to support a lecturer - and I cannot register in PAUL yet

If you are to assist a lecturer, e.g. as a member of staff or secretary for a course, you must apply once for the role of course assistant (LVA) or deputy - if you have not yet been able to log in to PAUL.

  • Go to the ZIM service portal (formerly IMT service portal) page and select Manage user data yourself at the top.
  • Log in with your ZIM access data (university account).
  • Select the Decentralised services button in the lower title bar.
  • In the screen that now appears, click on Details / Change behind the service Course Assistant / Deputy for PAUL.
  • Now click on the Request button at the bottom.
  • Exit the user administration by clicking on Deregistration at the top left.
  • You can now log in to PAUL with your university account.

If you can already log in to PAUL with your university account, you do not need to make any changes in the IMT user administration.

As a deputy of a lecturer, you can only act after you have been assigned the appropriate rights by ZIM. This requires a fully completed and signed application.

The rights as a course assistant are assigned by the course managers (LVM) in the faculties and institutes/departments after they have been authorised accordingly by the respective lecturer.

Or­al ex­am­in­a­tions

Minutes for oral examinations

Please use this protocol form for oral examinations.

[ Minutes for oral examinations ]

Ex­am­in­a­tion su­per­vi­sion

Notes for the exam supervisor

Please follow these instructions for exam supervision and attach a signed printout to the exams.

Notes on exam supervision