Learn­ing centres

The learning centres offer Paderborn University students support in their learning, especially with subject-related questions. However, the learning centres are also available for the acquisition of interdisciplinary skills such as academic work and self-organisation.

In addition, the LehramtsNavi and the Career Service's event and workshop programme offer various opportunities to acquire interdisciplinary skills.
Students from all subject areas can also take advantage of the learning counselling offered by the Central Student Advisory Service and receive advice on topics such as problems with procrastination, increasing motivation and difficulties, exam preparation and worries.

In­ter­dis­cip­lin­ary learn­ing centres

Writ­ing com­pet­ence centre

- Contact point for students of all degree programmes
- Individual counselling
- writing diagnosis
- student writing counselling
- Subject-specific and interdisciplinary workshops for every study phase


• Anlaufstelle für Studierende aller Fachrichtungen, Lehrende und Gäste
• Rechtschreibworkshops
• Individuelle Beratungen
• Feedback zu Hausarbeiten

• Anlaufstelle für Studierende der Germanistik
• Beratung rund ums Studium
• Studienbegleitende Workshops
• Kooperationen mit Schulen

Me­dia lib­rary of the Centre for Lan­guage Teach­ing (ZfS)

- Free use of language learning programmes and audio materials to improve language skills
- Textbooks, dictionaries, practice materials and language learning magazines are available
- pronunciation training and free speaking with the help of games or tandem materials is possible in the adjacent SPEAKING room

In­di­vidu­al writ­ing coun­selling for in­ter­na­tion­al/mul­ti­lin­gual stu­dents

- For students who write texts in German as a foreign or second language
- Advice on topic selection, structure and formulation
- Support with grammar, style and academic language
- Text structure, writing strategies and error correction

Fac­ulty of Com­puter Sci­ence, Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing and Math­em­at­ics

Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing Learn­ing Centre

- Contact point for Electrical Engineering students (BA, teaching degree)
- Workroom with workstations and media equipment
- Specialist counselling for questions about studying

Com­puter Sci­ence Learn­ing Centre

- Contact point for computer science students (Bachelor, Master, teacher training)
- Support with subject-related problems and counselling during studies
- Workshop offers
- Materials, e.g. for scientific work
- Consultation hours, e.g. for support with exercise slips

Math­em­at­ics learn­ing centre (GyGe)

- Contact point for students studying to become teachers for grammar schools and comprehensive schools
- Support with subject-related problems and counselling in mathematics studies (GyGe)
- Study room with group and quiet workstations, computer workstations, literature
- Regular, supervised consultation hours

Maths meet­ing (G & HRSGe)

- Contact point for students studying to become teachers for primary, secondary, intermediate and comprehensive schools
- Support with subject-related problems and counselling for mathematics studies (GHRGe)
- Wide range of teaching and learning materials
- Workshop programmes

Study Centre Math­em­at­ics/Tech­no­mathem­at­ics

- Contact point for students of mathematics/technomathematics (Bachelor, Master)
- A room that offers space for learning, working and discussing
- Whiteboards, special PC software and mathematical work materials
- SHK consultation hours
- Consultation appointments for seminar papers and theses
- Moodle group of the mathematical learning centres

Fac­ulty of Sci­ence

Chem­istry learn­ing room

- Contact point for students of Chemistry and Nutrition Science
- Room for individual and group work with competent learning counselling

Learn­ing Centre for Nu­tri­tion, Con­sump­tion & Health (LEKG)

- Space for individual and group work with competent learning counselling
- Assistance with lesson plans and work placement reports
- Advice on seminar papers
- Study-related workshops & crash courses
- Organisational help with questions about studying in the subject area
- Media collection & material hire
- Tips on learning and reading strategies

Phys­ics meet­ing

- Contact point for students in the first four semesters (physics BA, teacher training)
- The courses are supervised: Experimental Physics A-D, Experimental Physics I, II and III, Theory A-C
- Support with writing practical reports
- Clarification of study planning questions (e.g. regarding the LPA)


- Students in the first four semesters (physics BA, teaching degree)
- Support with subject-related problems and counselling during studies
- Testing of materials and lending of materials for seminars, presentations, practicals, etc,
- Inspection of examination papers
- Research and group work
- Literature (basic didactic and scientific literature)

Fac­ulty of Arts and Hu­man­it­ies

Ger­man get-to­geth­er

- Contact point for students (teaching degree, BA), lecturers and guests
- Counselling on all aspects of studying
- Workshops to accompany your studies
- Co-operation with schools and extracurricular institutions,

Centre for Child Edu­ca­tion Re­search (KiBi-Z)

- Contact point for students with child-centred or teaching-related questions
- Counselling, workshops, literature, technical equipment and workstations
- Advice on academic writing
- Research in the practical semester
- Research-based approach to the child and their perspective
- Co-operative use of the EW research workshop

Con­tact us

Are all your questions still unanswered? Then the Central Student Advisory Service will be happy to provide you with further information: zsb@upb.de