In­ter­cul­tur­al pre­par­a­tion and fol­low-up

A stay abroad is not isolated, but includes pre- and post-study measures aimed at expanding and consolidating intercultural competences and enabling a general exchange. Paderborn University offers a variety of offers from which you can choose.

The International Office organises several impulse workshops on the topic of intercultural competence for future outgoing students both in the summer semester and in the winter semester. These are conducted by an external trainer for intercultural communication and competence.

The ability to act in an interculturally competent manner is one of the important key competences in a world characterised by globalisation and mobility. This ability requires much more than foreign language skills and geographical knowledge.

This workshop will take you into the exciting world of intercultural communication. You will learn to better understand the abstract term "intercultural competence" and the sub-competences associated with it. You will receive ideas and further advice on how to deal with yourself and others in a reflective manner and will learn to assess the challenges and opportunities in encounter situations abroad more realistically so as not to fall into stereotypical behaviour.

All upcoming outgoings will be notified of the workshops in good time by email. As the number of participants is limited, allocation to the dates will be on a first come, first serve basis.

The voluntary association Eurobiz has existed at the University of Paderborn since 1989 and was founded at that time by returning Paderborn students who had missed help during their own semester abroad. So they decided to join forces and make life in Paderborn easier for upcoming exchange students and enable them to have a good time.

Today, students from all faculties are still involved with Eurobiz and organise a large number of events through which many personal contacts and friendships with exchange students are formed. Many of these friendships survive their time together in Paderborn.

Here you can find all information about the Buddy programme.



Would you like to improve your language skills together with native speakers?
Here you can find all the information about tandem learning at the ZfS.


The International Café is an open offer for all students and German course participants of the University of Paderborn.

Here you have the opportunity to get to know other students in an informal atmosphere over coffee, tea and small snacks (all free of charge!), to exchange experiences and to plan joint activities...

Just drop by, new faces are always welcome!