Se­lec­tion pro­cess

After the application deadline has passed, we will forward your application documents to the relevant faculty/department. The faculty then make a shortlist and invite the chosen candidates (usually by email) to a personal interview. Here you can also discuss your semester preferences. You may be invited to attend several interviews if you have applied to more than one university and the application processes for those universities are coordinated by different Departmental Coordinators in the faculty.

Timing: The results of the selection process will be known at approximately the following times:

Application round 1 approx. beginning of February
Application round 2 approx. beginning of July

Se­lec­tion cri­ter­ia

A survey of the Departmental Coordinators revealed the following criteria for the selection of students for semesters abroad:

  1. Subject-specific qualifications and achievements
  2. Degree of preparation
  3. Appearance during the selection interview
  4. Existing language skills
  5. Knowledge of the host country (culture, politics, etc.)
  6. Knowledge of the partner university
  7. Cultural commitment / interest
  8. Social commitment
  9. Extracurricular qualifications
  10. Involvement in academic self-administration / university politics

Once the procedure in the faculties has been completed and you have been selected for a stay abroad, you will be informed by the International Office by e-mail. You then have a short period of a few days to accept or decline the place. You will always receive an acceptance for your highest possible priority (ideally for your 1st priority). You will receive a maximum of one acceptance. Please note: If you reject the acceptance, you will be blocked from further application rounds in that academic year.

If the selection committee has not selected you for an exchange in an application round or if the places for your preferred university(ies) have been allocated, you will also be informed by the International Office and can reapply in the following application round.

Please note that the final acceptance or rejection is only done by the International Office, not by the faculties.
Please make sure that you have regular email access during the application round.

Nom­in­a­tion and Ap­plic­a­tion

If you accept the place, we will nominate you at the partner university. This usually happens in the spring/autumn. Afterwards, you will usually have to fill out the application forms of the partner university (application, accommodation forms, etc.) and submit further documents. You will receive the necessary information from us or from the partner university in good time.