Hous­ing Op­tions

In Germany, students live either in a student residence near the campus or in private accommodation such as an apartment or flat. In order to save money and enjoy the advantages of a larger apartment, many students set up shared flats and share an apartment. Student dormitories at German state universities are administered by the "Studierendenwerk".

Private Accommodation

The rent for a privately rented room (including the costs for electricity, gas, water, etc.) in Paderborn is currently between 280 and 380 euros a month. Usually, a deposit of two monthly rents is required. The deposit will be returned to you after you move out, if the room is in good condition and you have paid all monthly rents.

Student Dormitories

The Studierendenwerk Paderborn is responsible for the administration of the student dormitories in Paderborn and offers a variety of different housing options. You have to apply for a place to live via a online application form. For a room in a student residence of the Studierendenwerk, you should be prepared for a waiting period of up to nine months, depending on the residence. It is therefore advisable to sign up for the Studierendenwerk's waiting list as soon as possible. This is also possible if you have not yet received the admission for a German language course or for a degree course. The maximum length of stay in an accommodation at the university is six semesters.

How to look for a place to live?

On Wednesdays and Saturdays the local newspaper Westfalen-Blatt publishes many real estate advertisements for Paderborn. The best time to find a flat quickly is in the months of March and September. At this time most rooms and flats become available, because many students graduate and move out.