
From 6 to 9 August 2017, the 28th Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF) took place in Austin, TX (USA). The SFF is one of the most important international conferences on Additive Manufacturing (AM). This importance is underlined by a number of participants of about 700 people. The conference offers researchers from all over the world the opportuninity to present and discuss innovations and research results with international experts.

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The DMRC is looking forward to welcome a new partner to the industrial consortium: AKG Group. AKG joined the DMRC as a Tier 3 member. AKG is a German manufacturer of coolers, which was founded in 1919. The AKG group employs more than 2300 people around the world.

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Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer am Wissenschaftscafé zum nachhaltigen Leichtbau.(Foto Frederik Hankeln Uni Pb)

Zitate der Schülerinnen und Schüler: "Hybrid bei Werkstoffen. Es war interessant zu sehen, welche Werkstoffe miteinander „gemischt“ werden, man hat viel Neues gelernt und konnte viele Fragen stellen." "Das Leichtbau in viel mehr Bereichen eingesetzt wird, als es mir vorher bewusst war. Leichtbau wird ein sehr wichtiges Thema in der Zukunft sein, um die Welt ein bisschen weiter zu bringen." "Die gute und lockere Atmosphäre, sowie die Offenheit…

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Rendering des Gebäude Y, Perspektive vom Mersinweg (Bild: RKW)

Auf dem Campus der Universität Paderborn entsteht am Mersinweg mit dem Gebäude „Y“ eine neue Infrastruktur, für den Ausbau des Profilschwerpunkts „Leichtbau mit Hybridsystemen“. Mit dem Spatenstich am 4. Juli 2017 erfolgte der Startschuss für den Beginn der Bauarbeiten. Bereits im Jahr 2012 wurde an der Universität Paderborn das Institut für Leichtbau mit Hybridsystemen als zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung ins Leben gerufen. Mit dem…

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DMRC booth at the Rapid.Tech 2017

The DMRC had a successfull trade-fair appearance at the Rapid.Tech 2017 in Erfurt, Germany from 20 to 22 June 2017. Together with our industry partners Stükerjürgen Aerospace (SAC), Klaeger Sägen and Heraeus, we had a booth on which new contacts were established and many interesting discussions took place. Eight scientific assistants gave presentations on their latest research results and Prof. Dr. Detmar Zimmer was the chairman of the…

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The DMRC publication “Design for Additive Manufacturing - Element transitions and aggregated structures” has reached place three among the 2016 most downloaded articles in CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology.

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A total of 96 partners from companies, research institutes and universities, spread over 13 national research projects, are currently investigating additive manufacturing processes (3D printing) in the areas of production, service and work. The 13 projects, including the "OptiAMix" and "kitkAdd" projects launched at the Paderborn University in February, are funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with a total of 26 million…

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Anna Lena Berscheid, Kollegiatin im Fortschrittskolleg LEM (Foto: Universität Paderborn/Me Chuthai)

Anna-Lena Berscheid, Kollegiatin im NRW Fortschrittskolleg "Leicht - effizient - Mobil", im Interview mit dem NRW Wissenschaftsministerium.

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The new technical book by the editors Prof. H. A. Richard, Dr.-Ing. B. Schramm and T. Zipsner conveys in 18 individual contributions the possibilities and limitations of additive manufacturing.

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Official visit to the DBU booth and great interest in the results of the DBU-funded joint project together with Eisenhuth.

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Prof. Thomas Tröster im Gespräch mit dem Staatssekretär Dr. Thomas Grünewald (Foto: MIWF/Vanessa Leißring)

Besuch des Staatssekretärs Dr. Thomas Grünewald auf dem NRW Gemeinschaftsstand des Wirtschafts- (MWEIMH) und des Forschungsministeriums (MIWF) auf der Leitmesse Research & Technology

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The world-famous sports car manufacturer Porsche is a new member in the industrial consortium of the Direct Manufacturing Research Center (DMRC). The DMRC welcomes Porsche as a new Tier 1 member and is looking forward to an interesting and successful partnership.

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Since February 1st, 2017 the companies Danfoss and Mettler-Toledo are new members of the DMRC consortium. The DMRC is happy to welcome both companies as their 23rd and 24th industrial partner.

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In January 2017 the research project “OptiAMix” started at the Paderborn University, funded with 2.54 Mio. Euro by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), in which the the DMRC is involved with four Chairs. Together with four industrial companies, leaded by the Krause DiMaTec GmbH, the project achieves a total volume of 4.4 Mio. Euro. Partners on the part of the DMRC are the Chairs C.I.K., KAt, LiA and HNI-PE. The research project…

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The DMRC has published the study "Thinking ahead of the Future of Additive Manufacturing -Seizing Opportunities for Business" as a result of the project "DynAMiCS - Development of an Additive Manufacturing Potential Check System".

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