Three new Ser­vice Of­fers of the DM­RC

Over the last years, the DMRC has worked diligently on pursuing its strategy: Industrial Research Base. We want to obtain the necessary competences and the knowhow to accompany companies on their way towards an industrial application of Additive Manufacturing. On our side, this also implies continuous fundamental research.

We can now gladly offer three industrial services for interested companies: Potential Identification, Product Finding and Business Planning.

Potential Identification: In either workshops, or sprint-projects, we identify and prioritize business fields in which the industrial application of Additive Manufacturing makes sense. Relevant business fields can be market segments, but also production and support processes such as order fulfillment.

Product Finding: Usually conducted in workshops, together with the company, we select part candidates which we deem appropriate for use of Additive Manufacturing. Also, we offer creativity workshops and think ahead entirely new products which might be possible with the technology.

Business Planning: Usually embedded in a small project, we identify customer problems and develop a value proposition which is later on detailed to a full-grown business model. In doing so, we e.g. apply business model patterns. Also we simulate costs.

The new service offers available in our

