Suc­cess­full ap­pear­ance at the Rap­idTech 2015

The DMRC had a successfull appearance at the RapidTech 2015 in Erfurt, Germany with an booth together with company Stükerjürgen Aerospace (DMRC partner) and four presentations at the convention. Furthermore Dr. Eric Klemp presented the expert forum "aviation" and Prof. Dr. Detmar Zimmer was the chairman of the "Konstrukteurstag" (Design Engineers' Day).

The following presentations were held by the DMRC:

  • Exploring the supply chain opportunities of Additive Manufacturing in aviation’s spare part industry (Gereon Deppe)
  • Development of a method for the systematic determination of dimensional tolerances for Additive Manufacturing (Tobias Lieneke)
  • FE-Optimization and design of additive manufactured structural metallic parts for telecommunication satellites (Thomas Reiher)
  • Powder Ageing and Material Properties of Laser Sintered Polyamide 12 using low Refresh Rates (Stefan Josupeit)