SFF Aus­tin, Texas 2018 - DM­RC Pa­pers Awar­ded

Among 191 published papers of this year's Solid Freeform Fabrication in Austin, 7 received the award "Broader Impact". These included with "Technology Integration into Existing Companies" and "Method for a Software-Based Design Check of Additively Manufactured Components" two DMRC publications. In the two papers, the scientists presented the results of the BMBF's OptiAMix research project. The researchers from the C.I.K. and KAt chairs each focused on one of the two main project objectives "technology integration" and "multiobjective optimization". The paper "Technology Integtration into Existing Companies" was also selected for a follow-up publication in the Virtual and Physical Prototyping Journal.

The two papers are available to the public at the following links:

