Klae­ger joins the DM­RC

The Direct Manufacturing Research Center welcomes its 27th industry partner Klaeger. Klaeger stands for professional sawing solutions which can be used for the post-processing of AM metal parts. Since August 2017, Klaeger joined the DMRC as a Tier 3 partner.

Klaeger stands for professional sawing and post processing solutions – Made in Germany.
We are a traditional family run Swabian company with a high level of customer focus and an excellent advisory service. The focus of the company is the development, series production and installation of high quality sawing machines.
As a result of the creative customer specific special solutions in the area of vertical and horizontal saws, Klaeger is an internationally active niche supplier.

Klaeger is now focusing on additive manufacturing as a postprocessing supplier offering solutions to meet market requirements and further market developments.
More information at www.3dcut.eu and www.klaeger.com